“DEVASTATING Mental Impact“ Race Against Time To Save Missing Titanic Tourist Sub

Underwater noises detected in the search area of a missing deep-sea vessel is a “target” and a “focus” for the rescue operation, the US Coast Guard has said.

The submersible, named Titan, lost communication with tour operators on Sunday while about 435 miles south of St John’s, Newfoundland, during a voyage to the Titanic shipwreck off the coast of Canada

TalkTV’s Ian Collins is joined by former Royal Navy nuclear submariner Richard Fear to discuss the hopes of a rescue for those trapped in the tourist submersible.

Richard says: “The pressures on the submersible at this depth are unimaginable.”

#Titanic #Titan #submarine #talktv#talktv #talkradio


35 thoughts on ““DEVASTATING Mental Impact“ Race Against Time To Save Missing Titanic Tourist Sub”

  1. I wish all the best for everyone on board but to take that chance to go sooooo deeply into the ocean just to see a traumatic event is mind boggling to me.😥😥😥😥

  2. The story of the Titanic will never die, even when it disintegrates, even at the bottom of the ocean it is still as expensive as it was at the beginning.

  3. They were trying their best to rescue them, but we already know where this is gonna end. The chance of they're alive is definitely lower than 50%. This kinda tour must stopped.

  4. They have been using it to access salvage as well as the French guy has wreck rights connection. Dual use with that father and son investing and covering costs. So sad, bad to loot fatal wrecks not good mojo.

  5. Curiosity killed the cat.titanic is not an aquarium with goldfish in it. It is the resting place already to those people who lost their lives.PLEASE RESPECT THAT.

  6. The C.E.O. who was driving the sub said he did not want to hire any "50 year old white". But I bet he wants them trying to rescue his woke ass…

  7. On board experience….pee and poo nervously in the dark and cold listening to other rich men say prayers and try to come up with solutions in vain. Yes there was no holding it……had to release bowels. The smells

  8. Media selectively hypes up the news. No word on the thousands died in Ukraine war and the hundreds of drowned refugees.
    So much focus on four millionaires who voluntarily went on adventure.
    As if there's no other news on earth.

  9. Getting on with the other people? What other options do they have other than to get along with each other" What do you think they would do in this particular situation? Burst the door open and say – "I can`t put up with you, I`m leaving"?

  10. STOP! These people weren't brave adventurers pushing the frontlines of research! There's research going on since the 1990s and there are tested submersibles going down to 4,500 meters. US Navy has those that can take 3 people down to that level.
    Oceangate was a tourism company that wanted to earn money as well as seeking adventures. The submersible had been warned by real researchers, they were only allowed to go down 1,200 meters. They weren't pushing any borders. They built a cheap wessel, they didn't even hire a proper ship to take them out to sea, the security was questioned latest time in 2018, they never answered the International board of research on submersible vessels. So let's be frank here. Of course we must try to rescue them! But did the guys that payed £250,000 know that this little vessel only was allowed to go down 1/3 of the depth. Okay they signed a waiver that mention death and disabilities 3 times but that's just so their families can't get any compensation. When they signed those waivers, did they know about the security demands from the International board that never was fulfilled, did they know that they weren't allowed to go down to the Titanic at all. The guys that owned the firm were adventurers and had a tourism company that used an illegal submersible to get money from millionaires.
    Not frontline pushers, not researchers, not scientists.
    There's research going on all over the globe on submersibles going much further down than Ocean gate, real research! This was a scam, pretending "to push the frontlines". 😂😂😂

  11. I think they got swept away in the moment,
    Completely brushing over what could of gone wrong and just blinded by their obsession with the TITANC 🛳
    To put yourself in this position, A tight tight space, Super dangerous. Thrill seeking to the max they’ve paid for a very expensive burial
    An aquatic coffin ⚰️
    They were titanic fanatics & will die or have died loving what they enjoy
    So sad for the 19yr old lad who has barely even begun in life,
    I was hoping & praying they would be found, just cause their stupid & rich doesn’t mean they deserve to die,
    Put yourself where they are, freezing cold, mentally beat, kindest thing to them all is for them to die and hopefully quick, who wants to slowly suffocate, absolutely awful 😢
    I picture them huddled together, A leader keeping them positive, day by day, hope slipping, really all they got left is a prayer. They pray that nobody else acts as silly as these men

  12. They have 96 hours of oxygen assuming all 5 are breathing. If one of the 5 stops breathing, either naturally or forced, then they will have possibly 115 hours, so on and so forth…

  13. How could they take so much money for people to go down in a shoddily built submersive? Criminal at best, all for greed.
    Sorry but that was a death wish.

    Deepest condolences to all lost, tragic.


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