DETECT ENVIOUS PEOPLE: Robert Greene On Signs Of Envy

in This Video Robert Greene Shares How To Detect Envious People and the general Signs Of Envy, The source of Envy and How To Deal With Once Envy.


►► Original interview How to Master the Art of Getting Anyone to Like You

Robert is the author of the New York Times bestsellers The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, The 50th Law, Mastery, The Laws of Human Nature & The Daily Laws, he turns to the most important subject of all – understanding people’s drives and motivations, even when they are unconscious of them themselves

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►All materials in these videos are used for educational purposes and fall within fair use guidelines. No copyright infringement intended. If you are or represent the copyright owner of materials used in this video and have a problem with the use of said material, please send me an email at [email protected], and we can sort it out. Any infringement was not done on purpose and will be rectified to the satisfaction of all parties. #OutliersInsight #RobertGreene #TheLawsOfHumanNature #envy


20 thoughts on “DETECT ENVIOUS PEOPLE: Robert Greene On Signs Of Envy”

  1. Sure it is like that ! I am homeless Since 2012 but because I did not gave Up some People that they even do not know that truth are Simply Jealous about how determinate I am by just doing my work proper ! They earn more money than me so what ? I really don't care That's not my money right ? Then the Question is why they are envy about me? Cause my determination makes they feel unsecure about their Job right ? I have no home I have nothing to loose … they have a lot they afraid of loosing it loool 😅😂😂😂😂

  2. Parents can unconsciously create this type of behavior by constantly brining down their kids and not creating a good connection vs celebrating others and making themselves look good in eyes of others and telling them what their kids lack on many times. I’ve seen this many times.

  3. If you are happy, there will be people who resent that. Be happy anyway. If you are beautiful, others may hate you. Be beautiful anyway. If you are successful, there may be those who insult you. Be successful anyway. Because in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.

  4. i haven’t watched the video yet, strangely i read the comments first which is something i don’t usually do.

    i personally believe envy is a very natural human emotion. i have experienced being envious many times, and as much as people in this comment section act like they’re never envious (maybe they’re not, who knows!) i think for those of us (like me) who have been envious and are watching this video / reading comments, i’d like to reassure you that this is a completely normal emotion. punishing yourself for experiencing a feeling is never constructive. what you can control is how you respond to envy – whether that’s in a healthy or unhealthy way.

  5. while I was in my late 20s I made some friends later I felt like they were envious of me but I didn't think of this way even I saw the red flags that time cause I just didn't know better, when I broke up with my exes (the good decent men) they made me felt like I made the right choice and we were out partying, celebrating it. Now in my mid 40s I am still single not married, and just lost my doggie of 14.5 years- my only life companionship, I looked back on what went wrong, I have to say some of the wrong doings for me were to listen to my gfs, and it costed me huge!……yuk…🤧 I wish time can turn back so I can handle things differently, even now, gradually I felt 1 or 2 new friends I made could be envious, I always don't listen to my 6th sense because I don't want to have no friends, be alone totally, so I need to feel comfortable be alone even I don't have any friends, bad friends can make your life worse…but I guess these are my lessons to learn in this life time…

  6. Yes, I thought there must've been something they disliked about me, it made me feel very uneasy. It was envy, what I don't understand I am born profoundly deaf why be jealous of someone with disability? It's cos I am content and I deal with it very contently, I am very accepting of myself. They know they can't and won't feel like me if they were me.


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