Destiny 2 Lore – Who will be the next Disciple of the Witness that we'll have to face?

Destiny 2’s Lore and Story tells us that the Witness may have many more disciples for us to face. Some of them such as Xivu Arath and Calus are obvious, but others are more insidious. Who will we face next? An old enemy revived like Eramis? A whispered mystery like Nezarec? Or perhaps a friend turned traitor…

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45 thoughts on “Destiny 2 Lore – Who will be the next Disciple of the Witness that we'll have to face?”

  1. What about Rasputin? Yeah he said he'd protect humanity but he got his butt kicked by the pyramid ships before, very easily. So what if he decides that the best way to save humanity is to turn against the Traveler and become a Disciple of the Witness?

  2. Ikora rey. Been pushed away by Titan boss I’m not spelling his name. For making her own decisions. Didn’t deal with her Kayde ghost and has no one to turn too apart from maybe Eris. She is supposed to die in the other realities. Maybe because she refused the witness. Maybe she accepts this time

  3. I can see Osiris coming back to us a changed man. Perhaps the influence of Savathun on his mind? Perhaps the loss of his light? The man has been through a lot in a relatively short amount of time. I can see him switching sides as a result of all that trauma.

    Oh and I sincerely dislike Mara. Don't like her. Don't trust her. Never have and never will. I don't care if she ends up bringing the traveler back to life and saving the entire universe all by herself. I am so biased against her that I will still consider her a threat and a terrible person.

  4. 1) I really don't like the idea of Oryx as a disciple. Oryx loved his people and his family too much. The Witness wants people who are willing to burn down everything they ever knew or loved. Oryx could NEVER be privy the Witness's inner plans because, well, the Witness has been deceiving him from the start.
    2) I hope they use Disciples to show us some more original and strange races. These guys should be from aeons before the familiar setup we know and they should be WEIRD

  5. I don't think we can leave Ikora out of this conversation.

    She's lost a fireteam member and close friend in Cayde. And it still effects her based on the Lore this season because she couldn't even set 1 foot on the Leviathan w/o Cayde's Nightmare showing up. Then there's the Osiris/Savathuun business as well.

    There's no way she will ever allow herself a moment of relief knowing that she allowed the Witch Queen to basically live among us, puppeteer her mentor and possibly gave the enemy the tools she needed to research her ascendancy. And she'll never forgive herself for the unrest Savathuun caused in the city using Lakshmi.

    She's experienced loss, betrayal, she been outsmarted at almost every turn…all of which can lead down a darker path. So dark she's already lightly using Darkness with her Deep sight moment during Witch Queen. Think about it. We use the Enclave to pull weapons from moments in time… She used the Enclave to pull out an entire moment from the past. Seems small in comparison but I doubt we are pulling our weapons from billions of years ago. But that's exactly where Ikora found what she needed for us to defeat Savathun. She's strong but there may be a slight waver in our Vanguard Warlock 🤔

  6. St 14 does seem likely especially when you consider that savathun isnt 100% our enemy and it looks more n more likely that we are going to need an alliance with her and the hive guardians in fact every season since beyond light has come out has pointed towards the vanguards alliance with every race there even hints that we'll form an alliance with the vex through ashir on io and i have no doubt that if osiris dies and we do form that alliance with savathun which looks necissary at this point its gonna tip st-14 over the edge

  7. Nezerac is such an interesting thread to follow. The fact that the original refrence to it is from a pre-golden age text and the fact that the K1 artifact was found durring the golden age makes me think the Luna pyramid has been on the Moon since before the Traveler even arrived in the system. Its mostly speculation but I wonder if Nezarec visited Sol in its infancy saw potential in humanity and left behind the lunar pyramid.

  8. Have we considered that savathuun's plan to weild the light could have been part of a plan for the hive under the command of xivu to refine their skills and learn the exploit the weaknesses of light bearers, by killing savathuun and her light bearing brood. As with the sword logic, xivu could also become a force of light and dark, if not just a stronger force of dark. Just like oryx did before, and as the hive has always done. Battled one another to gain strength against a strong foe

  9. What about Fikrul? He and the Scorn were literally BORN from darkness (albeit with the help of Ahamkarawish magic), and in Season of the Lost the Scorn have been shown to adopt aspects of Hive culture, which includes devotion to the Sword Logic. They've also been using Pyramid tech a lot in the Throne World, and the whole reason they're even there at all is to snuff out the light in the wellspring.

    So, it's possible that Fikrul could've become a Disciple, or is at the very least in league with the Witness.

  10. Think you're downplaying what it means to be a disciple. The hive trio were close to being ones but were kept at arm's length. I think part of becoming one involves taking, making or getting a pyramid ship

  11. I want to see new Characters and enemies we don't know about like Rhulk, He was a delightful surprise and I would like to have more of that. As far as corrupting current characters it's hard to imagine Saint being Currupted as pure of heart as he is and I'm not nearly as confident in Eris as you are, she is still the prime suspect imo. As far the upcoming season/seasons I think they need to wrap up Saint & Osiris and other ally storylines before pushing the main narrative forward towards Lightfall. In terms of most wanted I want to get into a Nezarec story and maybe a Vex Civil war to flush out their story and purpose maybe even an evolution of the species of sorts or some kind of cross breading so we don't just get more of the same boring time travelling robots. I imagine the Witness or some unknown disciple could do some very intresting things with Vex Fluid like fusing it with Eramis & her followers making them relevant again or something someone with a much more creative mind than me can dream up.

  12. I kind of have a theory that the Traveler houses a Pyramid and the Disciple inside it left the Witness a long LONG time ago, maybe at the time was an equal to the Witness, and found the Light and transformed their Pyramid into the Traveler. I believe Lightfall will end with the Traveler cracking open, revealing a white Pyramid and the Traveler-Disciple comes out of it.

  13. On the subject of characters betraying humanity because they're not receiving support- Ikora Rey is said to have a nightmare of Cayde-6 in the Trespasser lore, but we're just kind of ignoring her. We have almost no clue of what is going on with her mentally. While her becoming a a disciple is quite unlikely compared to Clovis Bray, it's still an interesting concept. Let's hope she doesn't remember all her old tricks from her crucible days.

  14. Don't forget, in addition to Clovis' mind being on Europa, his body lives in the tower as our gunsmith as we discovered during the lament quest. We are overdue the plot line of Banshee finding out who he really is and maybe discovering the Clovis AI

  15. What about ikora? She hasn't been doing to well since the witch queen campaign. And also wasn't very present in the season of the haunted, yet was plagued by the nightmare of cayde 6. Maybe the lack of support leave her vulnerable to being corrupted by some force

  16. I think Eramis will become an exo and become a disciple. There is a lore tab in the Clovis Journals that talk about a vision where the extra arms work. And with Xivu Arath I think she is to proud to fully follow the Witness. Xivu will only be fought when the story of the hive as an enemy is over. I think She will be an Antagonist for the next saga.

  17. If Clovis ends up being a disciple, wouldn't he need an army? Since vex milk was so important in creating the Exos, does that mean he'll be able to either control the vex or just simply control some or all Exos? Possibly reviving some fallen Exos, a certain Exo number 6 or 7? I'd really love to see how we would face Clovis as a disciple.

  18. i think theres two other potential disciples that we've forgotten.
    bearing in mind the witness has the power of corruption, or taking, or however you want to phrase it…

    Asher Mir. Commander Sloane. Both Lost to us.
    i believe their stories are not over. not yet.


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