Destiny 2 Lore – The Story of Luzaku! The tale behind our first Hive ally!

Destiny 2’s Lore and Story from the Final Shape tells us about our first potential ally amongst the Hive. Her name is Luzaku and she’s a rebel of sorts that has made her own choice to split off from Savathun’s Lucent Brood. Her path led her to the Traveller’s Pale Heart, where she is now guarding over a lost sector in the Blooming. She may the first of many Hive allies that we make. Regardless, this is her story.
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39 thoughts on “Destiny 2 Lore – The Story of Luzaku! The tale behind our first Hive ally!”

  1. Here's an interesting take on the Lucent Hive situation – The general Lucent Hive are the equivalent of the Warlords when lightbearers first appeared on Earth. They just reveled in their new abilities and bloodlust. It's just a little more intense with the brood, because of the sword logic.
    It would be interesting if the Hive Guardians that come after Luzaku end up taking out the 'lucent brood' akin to the Iron Lords going after the Warlords and eliminating those 'Toxic Lightbearers' or converting them.
    A lot of very interesting potential stories to follow. It makes me wish we could do in game what Luzaku did in lore – grab a lucent ghost, but spare them instead, and the defeated Lucent hive then disappears, instead of dying. Like pressing 'X' instead of 'Y', or something.

  2. hive civil war. that's what we might be heading too. eventually we will see a split in the hive and will see one side choose to split from the worms and break their pact with them, and the other perpetuate that pact. Xivu Arath leading the "swordbound" hive, obviously, and either Savathun or some other "unchained" hive leading the others. (my personal tentative names for each faction) obviously we would join the unchained hive and finally meet Xivu Arath personally, likely heading to Torabatl as well along with Caitl. a joint offensive with us fighting alongside the cabal and the unchained hive and retaking the planet.

  3. Huh… the only unique dialogue i got upon completing that lost sector (and I've done that particular one a lot) was with Ikora recounting a hive acolyte named Luzaku sparing a guardian.

  4. I do think we need to consider that it could be a trick, Luzaku does seem to show up aligned with Savathûn's goals quite often, she appears in Excision alongside two other hive guardians and Savathûn herself, and in queens part two when Savathûn is actively helping us again. And we only really have her word to say she's against the Witch queen, we mustn't forget that Savathûn has created desceptive lore tabs before.

    Or, as you suggested, Luzaku could be acting independantly, but still feeding into Savathûn's plans, there's an extra interraction in the lost sector between Luzaku and Savathûn where the latter seems to encourage the former, perhaps Luzaku's purpose is to make us accepting of the idea that huve guardians can change so we'll slip a mole right past our defences in the future without thinking twice.

  5. The Witness: Claims we fight for strength and challenge, that we follow the sword logic.
    The Guardian, the instant a member of the species that nearly wiped out their race shows any positive emotion: FRIENDS? FRIENDS! WE FRENS NOW.

  6. I don't know how to feel about Mithraax using the word "guardian" for Luzaku. yes she is a friendly lightbearer, but that term came from the connotations of defending humanity once the Iron Lords dispelled the warlords.

  7. Destiny 2 dating sim Luzaku love interest ???
    But i actually hoped for a peacefull relationship with our enemies and so far we befriended the cabal and the Eliksni, now the vex are trying to communicate with us and the hive are turning a new leaf with Luzaku and think savathun aswell she is just being cheeky , but in the end she came trough for us and what she said about us thinking we haven't set everythign in play so we would ucceed, i do believe Savathun was helping us, sure probably to help herzself aswell but the traveler would not give enemies the light unless he sees good in someone

  8. There is one conversation with her, and caiatl where caiatl basically says she will never ally with a hive calling them all evil and tells luzaku off when she trys to convince caiatl otherwise.

  9. So couple of things. One of the best dialogs at the end of the lost sector I with Savathun. She tells us and Luzaku that basically Luzaku is the only hive of her brood who truly understood the assignment which I presume (thanks to recent lore) to mean that she became independent and made choices for herself…. This seems to be Savathuns biggest goal at this point.
    The other thing maybe I'm misreading this but it seems like Luzaku (and possibly others) no longer have a worm. I sounds like her ghost nestles inside where her worm used to be…if again I read this right… This is also an interesting point because since witch queen it seems like worms are now a finite thing and we may see the end of their hold on them.

  10. In case it hasnt been commented, i got a convo between Luzaku and Micah-10. Dont remember exactly, but it was pretty much Luzaku acknowledging Micah-10s role in looking out for Ghosts. Micah 10 apparently knew Luzakus Ghost before it turned to the Lucent hive, so it hurt Micah 10 to see the ghost again

  11. not sure if this has been stated but final shape is all about choice… luzaku chose to be peaceful and wants to learn more of their purpose.. cayde chose his purpose he sacrificed himself so our ghost could live, zavala chose to accept the darkness in him and use it..

    where does this all lead? considering that episode 3 is hive related i believe we ar going to see more of luzaku…
    considering savathuns control of her powers in the pale heart most notable the prison experiment within the dual destiny mission.
    Even more importantly what does Eris think of luzaku? how do these events currently play into the vex and hive in the later episodes?

  12. Luzaku was one of my favorite surprises in the campaign. It had the same feeling of meeting Mithrax years ago. I don't think Luzaku is looking to be a leader in the same way but she is another example of how the Traveler wants us to make our own choices and choose our own fate. I also love the voicework for her; the actress for that does a great job.

  13. I would love a situation where we go down and about to be crushed and she comes to our aid and protects our ghost and we do the same for her she goes down and we pop a bubble to project her to show we are allies

  14. Theres an interaction with Caiatl where she demands Luzaku tell her where Xivu is, and calls her a disgusting creature for destroying her home, where Luzaku replies that the hive wernt the ones who destroyed Torabotal, but that they were the weapon used by the Witness to do so, just as the Witness destroyed fundement. Caiatl then says that she knows nothing of her loss, and when she offers "Then maybe we could learn from eachothers?" Caiatl just repiles "No" its a super fun interaction even if I (strangely) feel very bad for our hive friend.

  15. Fun fact Savathun was indeed hoping the light brood would do as Luzaku has and go their own way. Savathun has dialogue with her explicitly pointing to the fact that Savathun was hoping her Brood would turn awa from the sword logic and start being their own individuals and make thier own fate as all lightbears do.

  16. Hypothetically, if the Lucent Hive were gifted the light wouldn't they also be able to take from the darkness? Like Stasis? Strand? Possible third (red) darkness subclass? Imagine if you will, Episode III: Hersey centers around Xivu Arath & Savathun and there place in the Hive pantheon. With Savathun becoming a child of the light can there be a chance of a child of darkness within Xivu Arath? Yes, Xivu Arath is a servant of darkness but she doesn't hold claim to powers of darkness. Since Xivu Arath was banished from her throne world she will struggle to hold dominion over her brood and if she wants to remain in control and best Savathun, proving to her sister Sword Logic is absolute, Xivu Arath will need power equal or more powerful than the Travelers light.

  17. I think savathun likes luzaku. She saw her go against the sword logic when she spared the guardiens ghost just as she have done herself. That is why she wants luzaku inside the pale heart. Savathun wants her brood to both walk a path in dark and light. I think its true that savathun dosent control her because she wants luzaku to walk her own path in the light, she lets her do her own thing. Savathun also wanted luzaku to be in the pale heart because she knew that the guardiens also would enter the traveler and meet luzaku. Savathun wants us to see that her brood both follow light and dark to convince us even more that herself and we need to use both light and dark. Savathun have always wanted guardiens to follow her wherever her plans leads her, maybe its because she wants to help us but i think its more likely she wants us close to her so that she always can manipulate us to fight her fights for her, she knows that we are the most capable force to fight gods


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