Destiny 2 Lore – The Great Hunt & How the Ahamkara were wiped out! Did Riven help cause this?

Destiny 2’s Lore and Story surrounding the Ahamkara is marked by a critical event. The Great Hunt. The moment where Destiny’s Wish Dragons were hunted to the point of extinction. The Vanguard might’ve been the ones to destroy the dragons of legend, but the lore from Last Wish also implies that it might’ve been Riven’s cooperation that assisted them. This might’ve been done to fulfil Mara Sov’s wish for unique power.

Part 1:

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34 thoughts on “Destiny 2 Lore – The Great Hunt & How the Ahamkara were wiped out! Did Riven help cause this?”

  1. This is by FAR my favorite lore video that you have ever done, Byf! Awesome!!!
    One thing that I have been thinking about and maybe someone else has already asked… but here is the question…
    Now that we know that we have an Ahamkara Egg, and they are Wish Dragons…
    Could this be the reason why Cayde-6 is alive? Perhaps a wish brought him back inside the Traveler?

  2. The real danger of the ahamkara is the ability to grant wishes that aren’t spoken aloud. You can control what you say with your mouth, but the mind is very very difficult to control. How our brain works makes it very very easy for ahamkara to hear our wishes.

  3. Wait so dose the emperor’s wish to have someone to love mean that Caitl was created through magic and that how the wish was twisted against him was his daughter betraying him?

  4. In other languages the lore card of the boots refers to them as multiple ahamkara, just checked that after you explained the problem with the english language. It coul just be a mistake in the translation tho

  5. My head canon for a number of years is that Tallulah Fairwinds death was actually the catalyst for the Great Hunt. Since the time line is so vague it is possible, and tbh that could be a breaking point in the decision making of the Ahamkara's extinction.

    The death of Fairwind must have been quite harsh amongst the early Hunter ranks and she was highly respected and loved. Let alone the fact it solidifies the whole dare tradition. And if the Ahamkara were trouble enough, this death in leadership would definitely inspire some vengeance.

  6. I wanted to thank you Byf, for taking your time with the lore from the Ahamkara. this is my favorite topic lore wise from Destiny. always shrouded in mystery, i hope we learn alot more next season.

  7. Thinking about Saladins wish and it’s parallels, how when he said “WE are what we survive” that maybe he inadvertently included efirdeet in his wish, and that now we know that there is one one more ahamkara in the form of the uncorrupted egg and how there is one more iron lord being efirdeet

  8. My head canon for a number of years is that Tallulah Fairwind's death was actually the catalyst for the Great Hunt. Since the time line is so vague it is possible, and tbh that could be a breaking point in the decision making of the Ahamkara's extinction.

    The death of Fairwind must have been quite harsh amongst the early Hunter ranks and she was highly respected and loved. Let alone the fact it solidifies the whole dare tradition. And if the Ahamkara were trouble enough, this death in leadership would definitely inspire some vengeance.

  9. Honestly I just think Saladin's wish was a clean cut one.

    The Ahamkara 99% likely knew it couldn't talk it's way out of the situation, so it just granted Saladin's wish to get a power up so it had better chances of survival.

  10. I think Saladin's phrase went far beyond what he intended: on top of being a "dragon" and the last survivor of a group, he also survived the Red War, fought valiantly against the Cabal, and now has found himself as a Cabal, Valus and at a seat at Caiatl's war table.

  11. This series is turning out to be very informative. Something of a low budget Dynasty for the Ahamkara. It’s good to have all the lore of one topic packed relatively close together in time. I didn’t even realise there was this much.

  12. I love the dichotomy between Saladin and the Ahamkara. All but one dragon died. All but one Iron Lord died. Riven was slain but their heart is still there. Saladin’s life is forefeit to Caiatl but his body is still all there.

  13. Still baffles me just HOW MUCH LORE this series has. So many little stories that all tie together put across numerous pieces of armour and weapons. We just see new gear, yet it's a whole advancement in Lore via small details. I hate this storytelling method as you can miss SO MUCH IMPORTANT STUFF though.


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