Destiny 2 Lore – The Cabal are preparing for a 2nd Great Hunt! The future of the Ahamkara & Caiatl!

Destiny 2’s Lore and Story tells from the Season of the Wish tells us about the Cabal’s intentions for the resurgent generation of Ahamkara. Empress Caiatl and Lord Saladin have planned a 2nd great hunt, which could imperil the future of the Ahamkara. This has been done with the knowledge that the Ahamkara might still be too dangerous and threaten the existence of the Cabal.
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37 thoughts on “Destiny 2 Lore – The Cabal are preparing for a 2nd Great Hunt! The future of the Ahamkara & Caiatl!”

  1. So if we “allow” the ahamkara to live does that mean the good ones aren’t hunted and those who manipulate are killed? Who decides what wish is manipulated? Would there be a council, and if so would an ahamkara sit and decide whether another of its kind is killed off? Maybe we could limit wishes or somehow police what wishes are allowed to be made.

  2. If Riven's whims are children of Taranis, there is a large chance they could be compassionate and not cruel, despite it costing themselves something. I see a plot where we choose a side where our violence provokes cruelty or our mercy bestows cooperation… Equips Skyburner's Oath

  3. Wow this was very powerful Byf…. The dangers after the final shape really is something scary. Mara Sov vs Caitl… and we are forced to make a choice? Ooooof … that’s so hard even if we try to be neutral. This was a great video to ponder about

  4. Honestly because of our actions I don't think we can side against Mara and the Whims. We are already pretty much bound to be their protectors. Because of what we did involving the Bow and our involvement with Riven, we made a promise (well the queen did but we were there) and we as The Guardian keep our promises… just ask Ghaull, ooh wait… ok just ask Calus.. oh nope nope… ok I got it, just ask Savathun if we stick to our word. That is if she doesn't flinch when you come around the corner mistaking you for St. 14 for a split second.

  5. I somehow really like what they are going for. Ahamkara are not the real threat. It's ourselves. And the best thing we can do is cruel, making living and intelligent creatures into objects that can be destroyed at will, just so that we don't drive ourselfs a knife into the back, because we are that selfish.
    Shaxx really had it all figured out, not wanting to kill them really is the best action. Neither killing or treating them like objects will ever do us any good, since we never got rid of the problem. But it is also a Problem we cannot get rid of. Best we can do is teach the new generation as best we can, to hope they wont make the mistakes we did

  6. The conclusion of this video would make a great set up for a whole other game. After the events of Light and Dark Saga, you basically have a fresh start with a morally ambiguous plot – support the Progeny (Mara), or support extinction (Empress). The story has loads of opportunities for faction splitting, and different combat opportunities from small skirmishes to large battles. It would essentially be this universes civil war (after being united through battling the witness). We could also get some flash backs to the first great hunt. I wonder if Bungie has ever considered spin off games with all this lore!?!

  7. Loved this reading of the cabal council. To me it was giving a bit of the Covenant and Prophets vibe from Halo 2 and really makes me want to see it in “live action” the way the Master Chief collection did.

  8. I like to think that the offspring we save will end up imprinting on us while still within the egg, being aware and sentient while within the egg. I’d like to think that once they hatch and we give it a name, it will sacrifice its physical form and take house within us. Maybe we could even end up causing a lot of stuff The Witness can’t quite counter.

  9. The oldest Cabal myth is literally, "Mans wanted the moon, he took the moon, the end." These are not a people that vocalize what they want (Calus notwithstanding). They just go and take it.
    So at least, in a worst case scenario, their Hunt would go smoother than ours.

  10. For final shape to be truely epic we need for one or more of our Ally leaders to die. I want Mithrax to become first Eliksni Guardian after dying a heroic death. If Caital Survives then the mission to retake her Homeworld needs to be one of the next lot of Episodes if it's not part of Heresy. I like the idea of losing alot of if not most of the locations we currently have battling the Witness and making Way for brand new Planets/locations for Episodes. Then at some point we're gonna have to focus on the Nine.


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