Destiny 2 Lore – Did we just see Earth getting invaded? Game Awards Trailer Analysis!

Destiny 2’s Lore and Story in the new Lightfall expansion might just have shown the invasion of Earth by Calus and The Witness’s forces. Today we’re going to analyse the latest trailer from the Game Awards and breaking down the lore that was on display and what story beats might be revealed.
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49 thoughts on “Destiny 2 Lore – Did we just see Earth getting invaded? Game Awards Trailer Analysis!”

  1. I really hope you're doing a full lore breakdown for lightfall from all the witch queen seasons etc cause I don't have time to play from now until launch and I only played during season of plunder and didn't even do most of it because I was catching up on all the expansion stories that I never played from shadowkeep up through witch queen lol

  2. The tormentor who is killing the guardian has the light. Look at his chest. That white glow makes me feel it’s got some light in it since we are fighting in the new city location we already know the traveler and last city already fell

  3. Then again my theory is that the witness sent calus to Neptune with half his forces to lure us out while he and the main force attack earth just my theory though anyone else got something?

  4. A reverse pov of a raid where you play as an elite fireteam of Calus’ cabal. And have to fight a gaurdian in the last city. (Likely a less powerful gaurdian since some of the more notable gaurdians we know would mop the floor

  5. I know we're getting cabal and the new mini rhulk enemies, but it'd be cool to see a vex update too. With the quicksilver stuff, and the cloudstriders, it would be cool to see the vex assimilate the technology if it's something that's supposed to be on par with the guardians powers.

  6. You have no idea how happy I was to hear that Des Rocs " Used to the darkness" was used in a trailer. I've literally been tweeting at them to use it for 2 years after every trailer…

    However, I'm steaming that it was that suck ass version

  7. I think the tormentor bit was a finishing move, solely because of graphics on the lower half. You can see it slide as it's rotating. If it was a cinematic thing, I hope it would be more polished.

  8. Mnn I do wonder if that last scene would turn out to be the Gardener, or maybe the last ambassador to the light that is left confronting the Witness in a sort of pre-chess game interaction… Maybe the Witness calling a parley discussion of the Gardener's futile attempts to resist, to gloat perhaps or dissuade any further resistance from the light.

  9. I thought the witness is telling sol divisive to be summon and turn this world into a garden?

    It has to be sol divise vex. What else can grow fast as these plants? Not sure but my best take for it.

  10. Here is a thought, while Nessus could be seen as the obvious tie in to that scene with the Witness what if it isn't and that is Savathun's throne world? She did convert it to the Light maybe the Witness is studying how she did that to prevent more territory from being lost or maybe to see how to turn light infused places to the darkness. Savathun's throne world also features the trees with red leaves and there is info about how those trees grew from the light etc.

  11. But one major detail is left out in the end when the red and white tree leaves and roots crawl in you can see the eyes of the witness turn from looks of normal to wide dilated pupils which can indicate fear in being overrun by the power of the light!!!!

  12. I'm late to the comments, but could the Witness be on Io? The red plant life suggests, Nessus, but the white tree roots makes me think of the Tree of Silver Wings where Eris was receiving messages from the Darkness/Witness during the Season of Arrivals.

  13. So why does the darkness have an avatar and not the light? The two are just paracausal flavors, not good or evil, but the witness, definitely is evil. It's make darkness the bad guys.
    Pyramids are ships and the witness controls the biggest one, so the traveler is most likely also a ship, so who is the one at the helm?

  14. To me, the colors of those roots and leaves remind me Savathun's Throne World. I'm not saying that it is a direct portal to that destination by any means, I'm just saying that the same transformative power might be making an appearance here as well. Or, that might not be the case at all…

  15. Here's a few things I'm predicting: I feel like clovis will try and steal Rasputin at the end of the season and I think that last scene might be the witness about to head back to the black garden to create a new black heart to get the Vex on his side.

  16. Unrelated kinda, but like, where the hell have the Taken been this entire time? What're they doing, or do we not have any ideas—like we have the Darkness coming, and probably one of the main representations besides the Hive of the Darkness isn't here or shown at all so far??…

  17. Well, if it's the tree of silverwings then it would be responding to him. The lore of the tree if I understand it right, it response to both light and dark as the same(aka cosmic forces). The tree on nexus was born from light but it was responding to the pyramid ships that appeared in the system. My 2 cents is that it is trying to take the light without confronting us directly and to take some of the light while trying to corrupt it

  18. My goodness even this trailer can be easily figured out without any unnecessary theory crafting. Byf, I understand the theory and all, but it's likely Lightfall doesn't mean the fall of the Light, but rather the arrival of Light onto a battlefield, like the word Nightfall. Also, the planet that Calus' fleet fights over is not Earth. There's no evidence or mention that the new DLC takes place on Earth at all. It's likely the skies surrounding Neomuna. The Vow Raid likely references the prophecy of Final Shape directly. This is not Rocket Science.

  19. Doesn’t red leaves/flowers also mean black garden? A place of immense growth. Also the the original place of the tree of silver wings.

    It could even be io? That’s where a new tree is. Or maybe there is one that’s unmolested on the neptunian moon?


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