Destined to Fail? Asmongold Reacts to New World – MMO First Impressions | By KiraTV

Asmongold watches a video by KiraTV, who gives his first impressions about the upcoming Amazon’s MMO New World. Asmongold has played a LOT of New World since the beta release and there are several issues that could kill its release if they are not addressed by Amazon Games Studios ASAP!. We have been waiting for a new MMO for years and after the 2020 delay, Amazon’s must get this launch right!..


Original Videos: (New World – Actually Feels Like An MMORPG Should)

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► Outro song: CatDany – Get Enough

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40 thoughts on “Destined to Fail? Asmongold Reacts to New World – MMO First Impressions | By KiraTV”

  1. Agree on the legendaries my favorite memory from wow was my priest staff quest line. Then finding a bada$$ Hunter in my guild that helped me farm elite demons for the last pieces. Took forever still one of my fondest memories from the game.

  2. 100% is going to fail. Dead in 3 weeks, a month or 2 at max. There is so much wrong with the game that it cannot possibly be saved before launch. These issues have been there since alpha, even before the "preview" event which was a disaster.

  3. Asmongold, I praise you for saying a lot of the things you did. Many people think the same way you do about New World, and it's nice to have a voice that can be heard on our side

  4. I think New World needs bigger diversity in the spell/skills department. 4-5 skills per weapon is just too little and it feels like i see copys of myself everywhere spamming the same things.

  5. I cant underestand people that change their mind so easy. (yesterday the game was super and today because (its beta!) some servers had problem ,the game is not ok!). I can just tell you that the problem with the servers has been fixed already 🙂 Im sure amazon has the power to fix every small bug very soon. Its time to move on to a new mmorpg and nw is the one for now 😉

  6. IMO they should just add crafting end game gear similar to BDO. Have teir systems to the items, but not have the breaking of items, maybe a de-rank of items on failure. Something that comes with risk and reward, as well as some rng just as the game has with crafting items already.

  7. I have no idea what you're talking about. I have NONE of these issues you're talking about…. I have no lag what so ever ….. I have a "Aliensware Laptop" not a desktop and i have no lag. Maybe get a better PC?

  8. Trade stuff back an forth all the time haven't had any real problems just wish some gear and weapons were cooler and mounts oh yea nothing spawning is frustrating cross hairs are off

  9. Some issues from Mackscorner;
    Random start positions, friends need to run through high level zones to reach you.
    Random quests, friends can't pickup and do the same quests as you see on the quest board.

  10. watching the game @7:57 it seems like the AI is still a little Dumb, hate that when you go up to an enemy and attack them with a ranged weapon, they just stand there, or turn in circles … … ….

  11. One of the biggest,wealthiest companies in the world,and the game feels like it was made by indie studio,it looks nice,sure,but as vast majority of the "game as a service" severely lacking content and depth.

  12. "Does new world have elite content?" Well… wow and ff14 and eso all have elite content!!! – well guess what kids, it took them 10 fuckin years to get "elite CONTENT" Relax.

  13. The idea that they could police RMT and fix it is laughably ignorant. If you can transfer goods between players, RMT will exist. RMT exists in EVERY MMO that has trading/transfering/auciton houses. You think it's because they ALL are lazy and just don't want to put in the work to fix it? Use your brain; don't be dumb.

  14. I love how KiraTV complains about lack of content and stuff to do, and is constantly comparing all upcoming MMORPGs to the scale of WoW which is just absolutely unrealistic and they know that, so his entire channel is just him shitting on games that aren't enough like WoW.

  15. there should be player auctions in game where you can make real world money auctioning items not currency, but the game makers dont allow players to make money. that they want it for themselves which is just greedy corp stealing our potential means of income. boycott them

  16. I played it a lot the first couple days of the beta, leveling was a pain, once you walk to the opposite side of the map to kill your 8 mobs and open your 6 chest, you run all the way back then the quests require you to go to the exact same place across the map for your next 8 mobs and 6 chest, oh! And your "hearthstone" is an hour CD. I really don't mind leveling taking a while or difficult quest but you can tell it's artificially inflated with long travel times and teleports that require a completely different currency, you can tell that they have a plan to add the currency into the shop as a "quality of life" purchase.


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