Dennis Rodman heading to Russia to help free Brittney Griner

Dennis Rodman heading to Russia to help free Brittney Griner


27 thoughts on “Dennis Rodman heading to Russia to help free Brittney Griner”

  1. So stupud she broke the law lmao you dont just bring weed into countries where they dont view it the same and Russia of all places and here in the states theres still people locked up for weed. Once you step foot out of America you're on your own and she didn't make the good decision

  2. Sure Dennis Rodman can get her out better than the government. Brittney Griner should not be a deal on no swap. America has made her a political prisoner by not fighting for her like she's just a average citizen. She shouldn't have to be mixed up in American espionage. Sure Rodney can get her out better than the government.

  3. Gee, I love how this clown is all of a sudden Mr. Navy SEAL whose going to go into a foreign country to rescue an American (who mind you is embarrassed to be one) yet when his fat little shit friend with the stupid haircut over in North Korea had Otto Warmbier captive (and eventually pumped the kid full of Botulism) you didn't hear peep from ole Dennis. Disgusting that nobody is bringing this up. I wonder, gee, I wonder why… hmm hmmm hmmmhmmm hmmmmmmmmm……..

  4. Brittany Gardner is not a modern-day pow she is a modern-day drug Smuggler. When they arrest Rodman in Russia maybe we could trade a bunch of terrorists for them now so a bunch of people can die because of them too


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