Deliver Us The Moon Let's Play Part 10: Screwdriver

Deliver Us The Moon is the new game we are looking at today with an Overview/Review of what it is and how its gameplay plays. First we will review the need to know basics of Deliver Us The Moon before jumping into deeper gameplay impressions. Deliver Us The Moon is a Sci-Fi thriller set in an apocalyptic near future, where Earth’s natural resources are depleted. A lone astronaut is sent to the moon on a critical mission to save humanity from extinction.

Deliver Us The Moon Full Game Playthrough 2022:

#DeliverUsTheMoon #scarletseeks #indiegames

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Outro- Fright Night | Odd Chap


3 thoughts on “Deliver Us The Moon Let's Play Part 10: Screwdriver”

  1. YAY! been hoping on this for a while, glad you got back to it. Appreciate the closure of completing the playthrough.

    Hmmm its hard to remember now. As i recall they built the Arks for the sole intent of leaving, a plan that was in the works for a while as they lost all faith in saving earth and felt trapped having to provide energy for what would be an inevitable downfall. The Arks arent new technology, just adaptations on existing technology. its basically a rocket, just big enough to get everyone to… well mars i guess.

    I dont recall Isaac telegraphing his switch, I think it was an intended twist in the plot. As I recall it Isaac was aginst the exodus, though maybe that was just because his daughter was on the 3rd Ark that was going nowhere, so in desperation he tricked Sarah into helping him get to the remaining fuel

    for the puzzles, you could try putting the power cell on the pressure plate, then go in and do all that stuff inside…. maybe you could get up on that platform from the other side where the custome suit note was. did look lower when you checked it at 27:25 with the probe….

    wall of text, sorry

  2. I thought Isaac originally went along with McArthur, but I could be wrong. When they originally set up the moon station, they were mining more than the helium-3, they had a whole manufacturing setup for making parts to finish the station at the top of the space elevator. When they decided to give up on Earth, they started diverting the resources to build the Arks… remember earlier when it mentioned one wing of the station was way behind schedule because they weren't getting the resources from the moonhub?

  3. 16:12 he didn't forget, there was some information early on that Caroline rejected his request for them to join him on the moonbase which she rejected due to concerns over Kathy's health. This led to the legal battle which got Kathy sent off while Caroline stayed on earth. The implied motivation is that earth is done for, the MPT is too little to late. The morally right thing is to keep it running to give them a chance but if he can't save the one daughter that "still loves him" then there isn't much point to him. He probably convinced himself that his other daughter is an adult that has made her own choices and is probably smart enough to be brought into whatever doomsday shelter people will eventually set up to whether the storms.

    Towards the end, the base is doomed anyway. All the miners and workers needed to fuel and run the reactor are gone and his only hope is to get the last ark to their destination.

    Also at the end, there is a second fuel can plugged into the wall of the room I think, maybe use your can to get the other one?


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