Defence Strategic Review is nothing but ‘smoke and mirrors’

The Defence Strategic Review is a lot of “smoke and mirrors” and actually a “very disappointing document”, according to The Australian’s Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan.

“There’s a lot of smoke and mirrors about this stuff,” Mr Sheridan told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

“The $19 billion is neither new money nor extra money – it will be within the existing defence envelope.

“They’ll either be reprioritising some money … or they’ll simply be re-announcing stuff that’s been announced 500,000 times already.”


23 thoughts on “Defence Strategic Review is nothing but ‘smoke and mirrors’”

  1. We need new IFVs to replace our upgraded M113 fleet. We also need tanks. If our bridges aren’t strong enough build new bridges. Get rid of the ABC and use the funds for defence. We also need 100 F35s and long range missiles. Increase the defence budget. Labor last time cut and put off so many programs. We need more not less.

  2. What is clear is that no one would risk attacking Australia if we possess nuclear weapons. Better to prevent war than to try to prosecute one inflicted upon us. The way to maintain peace between nations is by the possession of nuclear weapons because these weapons rule out the possibility of war altogether.

  3. Aussie defence Ha Ha Ha build ships, Ha Ha Ha. Where do we get the reliable power from? Wind mills and solar panels Ha Ha Ha . This country is full of BS, vote yes for the voice we might need to borrow a few spears and boomerangs from the aborigines, only joking.

  4. Probably the biggest decision is whether to defend Australia only, or to project Australian power throughout the region. The first one allows other nations to decide the course of world events. The second one is a lot more expensive.

  5. This about the 1st time I agree with Greg Sheridan. Which confirms my previous views about the need for large volumes of missiles including ballistic missiles. Missiles with ranges of over 2000klm . You watch this government & military establishment will fuck it up for sure.

  6. You are AUSTRALIA.. Nothing new not surprised.. Your still appeasing your lost masters.. You think you’re going to be capable as long as you keep winning at the CRICKET !!.. WAKE UP !

  7. Albanese makes no apology for kicking the can down the road. He's so invested in getting himself re-elected with feel good programs and similar nonsense there's not a dollar left over for critical defense. We're doomed.

  8. submarines already out of date 17 years till we get the first one china Russia can build stat of the art ship in less than a year just like the mine sweepers trains all a failure what a joke complete waste of tax payers money again bet there is plenty of paper bags for the scum in power wake up sheep

  9. Nothing new from Albo apart from cuts to Army, cancelling and pushing back to later dates, sounds like another version of Rudds “efficiency dividends”. General Sheridan is a joke, he seems to know it all, how does he think manoeuvre will happen without the IFV, love to see him foot bashing 10’s or 100’s of k’s.

  10. We need to be an armed citizenry.
    What if New Zealand falls and we're attacked on the East coast?
    There's literally hundreds of landing sites in Gippsland and the South Coast that are within 50 kilometres from the M1 highway and puts invading forces within striking distance of Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney.
    North Cape, Darwin and Townsville are useless with a Weak New Zealand as our closest ally.
    New Zealand and the South East States are completely defenceless

  11. Sorry Greg, Tanks, we need and every country does, and Tanks need infantry support mobile armoured artillery and air support as current conflicts show, Greg The current Air warfare destroyers are sub par, a liberal government chose the wrong boat, they didnt want to buy Arleigh Buourke Block 3 because , in their own words, after 50+ Arleigh Boukes had been built, it was an unproven designe, the Hunter Class frigates, also a Liberal government decision are massively under armed in a modern threat environment, not to mentio the cost of the Attack class submarine debarcle or the MRH 90 and Tiger Helicopter choices, also both made under a liberal government.

    I served 13 years Cavalry with several deployments overseas, please inform me of your military knowledge.

  12. Imagine if shtf no one will sell anything to Australia things will be in short supply Australia needs to buy stuff right now , spend 100 billion on long range rockets/ trucks even if its brought in unassembled .put the bill on the national dept. plenty of mountains of minerals to pay for it .coal etc. forget about climate change for the next 5 years .National defense should be top priority.


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