DEEPER IN THE BACKROOMS!! | Roblox Apeirophobia [Levels 6-10]

ROBLOX BACKROOMS ARE REAL in Roblox Apeirophobia
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Hey everyone, it’s your friend #Thinknoodles and welcome to my YouTube channel! Join me, my dog Kopi and other friends on our adventures in video games. Here you can find all kinds of family-friendly gaming videos. I play lots of different games from Minecraft, Who’s Your Daddy, ROBLOX Piggy, to your favorites or just plain random mobile games, indie games and more!

Noodle on, Noodlers!

#roblox #backrooms


50 thoughts on “DEEPER IN THE BACKROOMS!! | Roblox Apeirophobia [Levels 6-10]”

  1. Level 6 is level ! or level RUN FOR YOUR LIFE basically a group of monsters such as the smilers chase you the second you get there, but there's only one in this game, but if the monsters catch you, then you'll have a fate worse than death according to the backrooms wiki. Mostly it's your fear that saves you because you run faster when your scared. When you escape, your 100% gonna be teleported to a safe level, like in this game you get into level 7, which has no monsters or entities.

  2. Ok so on level 7 there is no entity and you have to do so much math and it is always different with everyone so you have some priorities and the gems and you have to enter a code. You also cant pick up the gems, there is 6 gems

  3. 🏃 hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the exit it's there oo sugar yummy this is giving me energy hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the exit I'm going to make it🚪💥 no way I just enter level zero what let's do the same thing as level! But it's yellow white the hower do I have to run again I got to run hdjhfjdjdjsjdhxnxjzjxkcgjcjcjk me running hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is so long hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh finally exit finally back 🚪💥

  4. Hey thinknoodles ok so In level 8 when the monster see’s you can’t hide or get it away from it and in level 1 sense there’s more the monster that makes your screen blurry that means it alearted the monster

  5. Try buying all the game passes
    #1 Then after that try sprint as long as possible
    #2 try click the keyboard button "R" it will show your teammates and show where is the monster
    #3 try and click the keyboard button "T" when using the camera for NV = Night vision might help in lvl 8
    #4 you will have more lives:)

  6. Btw the reason the one where you're chased the whole way through it is so long is because the actual version of this level requires the person to run 6 miles while being chased by a horde of hostile entities

  7. Me who did every level in the time span of 24 hours and did levels 4-10 without instructions
    👁👄👁 | edit: Note that I did this with others (and this is not meant to be rude towards think, all I wanted was to just say my experience)

  8. The level with the red lights and hallways is level ! “Run for your life” it’s basically a game of tag with entities chasing you for 6 miles until the exit. They will really help with your pacer test tho! :]

  9. if you are wondering what the entitys are level 0 howler level 1 starfish level 2 nothing level 3 dog level 4 nothing level 5 skin stealers level 6 smiler level 7 nothing level 8 mummy level 9 forgot level 10 two smilers

  10. Here are the level names!

    Level 0 – Lobby (Difficulty 2)
    Level 1 – The Poolrooms (Difficulty 3)
    Level 2 – The Windows (Difficulty 1)
    Level 3 – Abandoned Office (Difficulty 5)
    Level 4 – Sewers (Difficulty 1)
    Level 5 – Cave System (Difficulty 3)
    Level 6 – !!!!!! (Difficulty 2)
    Level 7 – The End…? (Difficulty 2)
    Level 8 – Lights Out (Difficulty 3)
    Level 9 – Sublimity (Difficulty 1)
    Level 10 – The Abyss (Difficulty 4)

  11. 🪦 Hi! If anyone needs a better tutorial on this game, here you have it! 🪦

    🌻 Level 0 :: The lobby. [Aka the backrooms] 🌻
    This one is quite simple, all you must do is follow the signs and follow the arrows until you find a ladder going into a vent. Beware of the large entity! It will chase after you. If your screen ever begins to shiver or you can hear your heart pumping, hah. *Run*. On the plus side, sometimes the entity is stupid and will literally just go past you.

    🐋 Level 1 :: The Poolrooms 🐋
    In this level, there are 6 wheels that you must find and turn them! Once all 6 thingys have been turned, you must find a green light source. When you find it, enter the room next to the green light and swim to the bottom. Dont drown. . The entity that is chasing you is a squid/Octopus creature with teeth on its stomach.

    [Got confused with levels so we are skipping the number 2 and heading to 3]

    🖊 Level 3 :: Abandoned office 🖊
    In this level, I have seen many youtubers get very confused. So if any of you famous guys are reading, you better read this carefully before you start recording your game play. In the first part of this level, you must go through so called drawers and find 3 keys! But again, be warned of the entity. The photo you see at spawn of the entity and crossed out eyes with ears, that means the entity CANNOT see. But it can hear very well. When you see the entity, you must NOT move. You are able to crouch and slightly move around, at least.
    Part 2 Of abandoned office
    Once you have used the 3 keys on the 3 locks, you will be entered into a large room with many open doors. Inside each door there is a button that you must click, when clicked the button will turn green. Click each button in each room, once you have completed that you must head back into where you originally spawned and head to the glowing green door, enter that and head down all the stairs until you find the door! Enter the door.

    [Skipping level 4 because that level is simple.]

    🔪 Level 5 :: Cave system 🔪
    In this level, you have spawned in a dark cave with spikes everywhere. At first it may seem like no entity lurks here, but your thoughts are wrong. There is a white entity that lurks around, sometimes, when the white entity kills you it will clone as you. And sometimes it will also just clone you without killing or seeing you. [I think there’s another entity but idk what lol], what you are trying to find is a purple light source. When light source has been found, try and get to it. The light source is a portal that you must enter to get to the next level. [By the way, the spikes don’t do damage lol]

    🚨 Level 6 :: !!!!!!! 🚨
    This level is pretty self explanatory, you’ve spawned in a alarming, glowing red LONGGGGG hallway. BUT BE QUICK. In a few moments, a huge entity will spawn behind you, and it will kill you. You are being chased, you must crawl through the obstacles in the hall until you find a pink glowing exit. When exit is found, GET INTO THE EXIT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. * [I have a trick for this, when you exit the first hall go to the other side where a slightly tilted blue thing is, get to the top and wait for the entity to get past. Then you can just follow the entity to the exit]*

    🎨 Level 7 :: The end? 🎨
    This is gonna be the most complicated thing to explain in history. Oh my god.
    To begin with, there is no entity. You can finally take a break from all the "Being chased/Murdered" and all the screaming nonsense. But this level is more complicated than it seems. When you spawn you will see many shelves, what you want to do is look on every single shelf and find the 6 coloured orbs. You will need to write down every one you see, if you see a purple orb for example, Write it down.
    Once you have found all 6 Orbs and *WRITTEN THEM DOWN?!?!*, you will need to go to the computer. Ill use a completely random example but this example isn’t the one you’ll get.
    What I have found in the room: 2 🔴 :: 3 🔵 :: 1 Green 💚
    So, on the computer you will see rows of each Color with a equals sign directing to another number, So. I have 2 Reds, and the red on the screen has a equals sign directing to one, that means I’ll have 21 as my first two numbers for the code. The 2 represents how many reds I found, and the 1 represents what red equals on the screen. Then I’ll head to green since that’s the next one in the order of going down the screen, I have 1 green and green equals 2. So the next 2 numbers after the first 2 will be 12, the 1 representing how many greens I found and the 2 representing how many the green equals on the screen. Yeah, you get the point.

    🕯 Level 8 :: Lights Out 🕯
    You have finally exited the torcher of confusion. But now you are in a dark maze. [I recommend you have your camera and flashlight on so you can see]
    your now in a dark maze, a entity is lurking, this entity is yellow with 1 white eye, a missing eye and a wide open mouth. The entity is extremely fast and has a bit of a scary jump scare. Back on topic, in this level you need to first off find the chair room. Find the exit out of the chair room then explore the maze until you find the extremely obvious vent. When the entity is chasing you, get in the nearest locker. When your in the locker the entente will still kill you but you won’t lose a life. In nightmare? I don’t know.

    [Level 9 Is self explanatory. Just find the slides and enter them]

    ⚠️ Level 10 :: The Abyss. ⚠️
    This is the final level, in this level you seem to be in a large parking lot.. sort of. There are lockers every where. There are 4 Little stations at each corner of the level 10 map. The lockers in the map are more than just for hiding in, yes they are still for hiding in- but some lockers have a KEY on it. When you have found a key you must GUESS which mini station it is that has the real exit, you’ll know what I mean when you get there— now. The entity— or must I say, entities. There are 2 of them, but they are the exact same. They are tall, slightly quick figures with creepy smiles!
    Now, if you are in a locker and you see a shorter “Entity” with a larger smile, hey. It can’t kill you, it’s literally just a jump scare.

    [Entity Information in Reply Section]


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