Debunking More EV Lies | In Depth

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41 thoughts on “Debunking More EV Lies | In Depth”

  1. She used the 100k to say they need to be replaced but that's false. That's just when the battery warranty of 8 years or 100k miles runs out.

    The crazy thing is most of the people commenting on her video aren't even calling her out on her BS… I posted the video in the comments there and I'm saving this to my favorites list.

  2. Many people also don’t care. EV’s is just a better car. I don’t have to stop by filling up every week especially in 10 degree weather. Start with a full charge every day. Oh and it blows every ICE car off the line. Just a side fun side effect.

  3. The elephant in the room that no one talks about with electric cars is that if everyone had one, even if a country had enough generation to charge all of them, the grid infrastructure will not be capable of passing all that energy without major upgrades. People will argue this I am sure, but time will tell.

    However, I do look forward to all these cheap batteries that will be removed from electric cars when they replace them. They will be great for static power applications, even if they only offer 50% of their original capacity.

  4. Cobalt is also used as a catalyst in refining oil products. Anyone driving an ICE but crying about Cobalt is a hypocrite, as is anyone using a laptop, smartphone, or tablet.

  5. What nobody seems to understand is that electric cars are cleaner regardless of whether the electricity was produced cleanly in the first place.
    If you had a grid powered by diesel generators exclusively, and had nothing but Teslas charging off of it, you'd save about 50 or 60% of carbon emissions over just driving diesel cars. When diesel in a car engine burns, only the expansion of the mix delivers energy to the car. The heat added to the engine block is a loss. The heat coming out of the pipe at the back is energy loss. The unburnt fuel from the engine having to torque at less than ideal RPM is also a loss. And using the brakes is also pure energy loss.
    A diesel generator, on the other hand, works at conditions far closer to the maximal efficiency point, and then Teslas are better than 90% efficient, themselves, so you end up with a much better carbon picture. Greener energy sources are the cherry.
    That Sorel Amore girl is good about money, but she should not talk about anything else.
    And speaking of the devil, I'm subscribed to her channel. Time to fix that problem.

  6. You two kinda debunked your selves. Home solar is not rated to full use of charge to the EV. The wall charger has much more kw need than most appliances. In fact if you have not expanded your solar array to have additional batteries, you will trip your inverter and be using regional power until the DC load can regenerate. Question can you confirm a home solar array can reliably charge an EV as well as all home needs? You seem unsure. 🤔

  7. My advice to new investors: Buy good companies stocks and hold them as long as they are good companies. Just do this and ignore the forecasts and market views which are at best entertaining but completely useless

  8. It amazes me how many people… pro ev and anti ev still don’t get the supply chain of fossil fuels. Your gas starts at crude… is shipped and refinded all across the world…. Which required fossil fuels … the inefficiencies add up and compound. I didn’t even mention the fuel used just to run the pumps to get your crude…

  9. You do know pm stands for particulate matter at 2.5 microns what kinda of pm2.5 are we talking about…… by the way I do know evs are better redwood material has a solution of 100% battery recycling as soon as we hit peak battery we won't have to mine ever again for batteries

  10. Let's face the boys she's hotter than the two of you put together. I am buying an EV or looking at buying an EV because I've always love the concept and looking to help clean up the planet, I did notice that you really didn't mention how the problem with disposable or recycling of old solar farms and wind farm generation is causing a big problem in the world and they need to solve, no one really goes over there what the numbers are of admissions that it takes to actually build a car or the factories. As well you didn't really talk about the massive problem with mining, I've been a minor for 12 years now in Australia and there is not one mine that I would consider environmentally aware, I've worked in gold, nickel, diamond, Iron ore and lithium mines both underground and above and none of them are what I would consider environmentally aware or safe for the environment. To say that a tesla is admission free is just a plain lie based on a simple fact that it is made from burning diesel, coal and gas just to make the car.

  11. Click into her channel and glance through the thumbnails and titles of her other videos. Is it a surprise that someone like her who profits off of purely making fear mongering, big companies bad, they-are-lying-to-you videos, made one about the negatives of EVs even when she had to peddle bullshit? She's just someone who cherry picks information that benefits her negative arguments on everything while acting like she's done deep unbiased research in order for her viewers to feel reassured about their already established echo chamber opinions.

  12. Getting greener every month????? I call BS!!!!! This video is made in Sept. of 2022???? Europe is shutting down entire electric grids, states in the US are having rolling black outs, California is asking NOT TO CHARGE ELECTRIC VEHICLES, other states during peak use are asking to refrain from electric use. HELLO Europe and the US and any other idiot country pushing electric vehicles without upgrading ENTIRE ELECTRIC GRIDS are short sighted Elitists who has not researched or vetted the ideas that put us in this position. Just like California refusing to clear fuel in the woods and forrests or refusing to build new reservoirs to handle dry seasons or droughts that have happened in Cali since the first settlements. Electric vehicles have a LONG WAY to go before they are useful beyond short trips or detailed charging planning for long road trips. Then to top it off, my friend who was an electric car fanatic had to pay $20,000 for a battery!!!! He just bought a new hybrid.

  13. Seems like there would need to be more power plants built to meet the need to charge the millions of cars that will hit the road. This will have to happen fast. California is experiencing rolling blackouts and could barely handle air-conditions, not to mention millions of electric cars. The electric car will not save us. We better get used to pedaling a bicycle, which is the most efficient way to move around for many people who are not traveling long distances. Anyone remember Texas power failing during the winter?

  14. You guys are correct in just about everything you say, but here in Cali we can't keep up with electricity demands during our heat waves let alone covering everyone charging their EV. Clean energy is not HERE yet, it is coming incrementally and solar and wind ain't gonna cut it without adding nuclear to the mix.

    What is the electrical equivalent in terms of KW's to a tank of gas? I'm not a scientist or math major, but I'm quite sure our nations electrical grid is not capable of supplying the power needed for everyone to go EV. It seems that our gov't is doing things backwards (no surprise there) in that we need a revamped and robust and reliable grid BEFORE we begin mandating that everyone must switch to EV.

  15. Even though I think EV's are the wave of the future. I think its been proven, especially as you see California imploding over EV's not being able to charge due to insufficent power production, that the technology is not where it needs to be right now. Even Elon has said this recently. Another thing you are not pointing out is that the vast majority of all solar panels are being produced in China, who is destroying the enviroment! Plus, add all the enviromental impacts of putting all these solar panels on a huge cargo ships and running them across the pacific oceans, which all run on fossil fuels, and I really don't see your point holding much water.

  16. Wrong! But nice try….and absolutely lame attack of this lady

    Your arguments negated these realities:

    1: Solar and wind STILL REQUIRES fossil fuels to manufacture them, and in regards to wind generators they require thousands of tonnes of concrete to set even ONE in place, blades are made of composites that cannot be recycled and have a limited lifespan (thus they bury them in the ground in Germany to hide this fact) and the generator, gearbox requires huge amounts of synthetic lubricants to even function, again…derived from the FF industry
    2: Lithium mining for EV's does HUGE environmental damage. Current Reprocessing Plants of the batteries are minscule on actual scale because its still CHEAPER to mine new material., This is STILL the case with many plastics even.
    3: CA doesn't have even close to the infrastructure for everyone to have EV's hence the States current dilemma

    I have investments in both Green & Fossil fuel tech because BOTH need each other to exist. That…. is the reality.

  17. People always forget that Petrol and Diesel do not come out of the ground; crude oil does. This has to be refined to make petrol and diesel which uses more energy than producing electricity, not to mention, electricity can be efficiently transported unlike petroleum products.

  18. At 3:08, "If you plug your EV in at home and you have solar panels, then your EV is 100% clean no matter how you cut it." This is a lie and it raises questions about your credibility. Solar panels do not produce electricity at night, which is when over 80% of EV owners charge their car. Furthermore, if you do charge your car when the sun shines, you need much more solar panels than the average home installs if you charge at level 2 speeds. A Tesla wall connector needs 11.5 kW + Average home needs 6.62 kW = 18.12 kW. The average solar installation is 5.694 kW. You would need 4 times the average solar installation to even think you are close to 100% clean energy.

  19. in the congo 30% of cobalt is mined by artisanal miners meaning individuals with picks and shovels. 70% is mined with large machines. and of those artisanal miners only a small percentage involves children. and if these children were not working they would not be going to school and playing they would at best be begging for food or starving or prostitution. this is a very poor country . usa back in the 1800's was a farming country and all the kids worked on the farm . and farming back then was hard . people do what they need to survive. i have no qualms about it.

  20. you missed something about ice cars. do they include all the co2 costs associated with finding oil in the pollution to build an ice car. how about the literally 1 million pump jacks pumping oil in the usa . that take many gigawatts of power just to get the oil. then all the co2 to refine it and distribute it ? then the energy at the gas station to pump it? and epa just found out the emissions from the vents on the underground tanks are like 25 times higher than predicted. we make less than2 % of electricity from oil by the way.
    so i don't believe it takes more co2 to make an electric vehicle.

  21. Always these liars talk about coal, the same coal they also keep telling us is really clean and you should buy more of their coal instead of using renewables and nuclear power because those were built using coal which is really bad. If they like doublethink so much we should just send them to 1984 and close the door behind them.

  22. This is absolute rubbish. Its not actually possible to replace engined vehicles with battery vehicles as the quantity would lead to an environment and human health disaster. It would make ys taxation and cost slaves to battery vehicles and pawn generation forevermore. Also this totally misses the effects of radiation poisoning a risk posed from mass building of nuclear reactors and dealing with the waste. There really is trillions of tonnes of fossil fuels being used in every aspect of battery vehicles, making batteries, mining toxic materials, mass spending on manufacturing of infrastructure and installation, building battery manufacturing facilities, arms manufacturing and wars to halt supply of oil and gas to force dependency on batteries, nuclear, photovoltaic panels and wind, no mention of dangerous emissions raised in environment if mass battery vehicles and nuclear us uptaken. Battery vehicles are a very fake virtue signalling backed entirely by heavily funded mainstream media and complicit governments, computer geeks and misinformation from battery vehicle fanatics that have become insanely obsessional with battery vehicles and control measures required to force fake green measures. Never forget battery vehicles are receiving vast swathes of money from involuntarily and leached from our environment. Fossil fuels are an abused gift that can never be replaced on a like for like basis . There's only one option and that is to stop obsessional growth greed economies, stop feeding wars, stop expansion of armies, stop bs , understand that growth means destruction , understand that when you find governments and corporations say they know best it means the future won't be good if you believe them , the future is in human integrity not obsessional control by obsessional battery vehicle owners and energy companies.


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