Death Week Durango Heads To The Dyno!

Nothing like the last minute to get the Durango running. Now off to Phoenix!


28 thoughts on “Death Week Durango Heads To The Dyno!”

  1. Tom , I definitely appreciate the Ej update. I wish her the best of luck . Now, Westward bound for the sick team looking forward to seeing the videos of that adventure good luck and safe travels.

  2. I can't believe EJ just up and quit with no explanation. I'd love to have the opportunities she had where i live in indiana. I live on the indiana and michigan state line and there's not any race car shop's here. I always wanted to work on race cars especially drag cars.

  3. If EJ just got up and quit and then didnt explain that doesn't sound good people usually explain why they're quitting unless a lawyer tells you not to
    I guess we'll see I hope that not the case

  4. I would have loved to been given an opportunity to come work for you guys. Opportunity is an understatement. The life long lessons, advice, and experience. You can't put an hourly wage on that. What a shame. Oh well.

  5. Sorry to hear EJ has departed the channel, she was fun in the mix. I do feel like she may have felt awkward or shy appearing on camera more often than not, but that's purely speculation. Sometimes she seemed to thrive and other times she just seemed not in the mood per se. Is what it is and hope for the best for her in the future 🙂

  6. E J was a great personality for the show, I know she will find a new place to shine. A bit of advice to Tom, perhaps you should have left the %& gasser with her. She and Sam had brought an interesting dynamic, a Grandfather/grand daughter vibe alot of views could associate with


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