Death Valley still closed two weeks after Tropical Storm Hilary as crews work to fix damages

Damages from Tropical Storm Hilary can still be seen throughout Death Valley as the national park is still closed after heavy rain and flash flooding turned the empty desert into a tangled mess of mud and road nearly two weeks ago.


29 thoughts on “Death Valley still closed two weeks after Tropical Storm Hilary as crews work to fix damages”

  1. The Earth in its history has always changed…it takes a long time to see the changes so many ppl can’t relate that this is probably normal. We are just living in that period of time that the climate is changing

  2. Oh my! The tourist destination is inaccessible while the Nation has been burning and dying. maybe a 5 million-dollar donation from the taxpayers will help us see the lizard's again.

  3. Gee wiz, this isn't the first time Death Valley got flooded. When my hubby was in the boy scouts many decades ago, his family went to in Death Valley, they
    had a motor home which was a good thing because it rained so hard being in the motor home was one safe, dry place where they weren't going to get
    washed away. THIS IS NOT RARE! Stop sensationalizing this, you are rediculous and clueless when it comes to your tacky reporting.

  4. I do not know why they need to fix all this stuff? If you just pick up some of the dirt and junk under your feet. A lot of it is, seashells. And how far are they from an ocean? Do you know what was there before? I mean come on now?

    Human beings are getting really silly. Kind of like the Whitaker Family of West Virginia.


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