Death toll rises from western New York winter storm

The city of Buffalo continues to dig out of what many are calling the storm of the century. The mayor says the death toll has risen to 28 and thousands are still without power; CBS2’s Dick Brennan reports.


37 thoughts on “Death toll rises from western New York winter storm”

  1. Here in Southern California we suffered with 78° weather on Christmas Day.
    It totally sucked, we couldn't have our ugly Christmas sweater contest. It may get as cold as 55° tonight. And right now my Netflix download is just taking too damn long. It's like living in a third world country! We were considering seppuku, but we settled for a piece of pumpkin pie instead. Not sure we're going to make it folks.

  2. In spite of the best efforts of crazy people we still have reliable sources of energy to help keep us safe from this "human caused global warming". If the only available energy was "clean" solar and wind this would have been a biblical disaster.

  3. So where is FEMA and Biden, that's right Biden went on vacation to a nice worm Island while you freeze. You cannot take back your vote so you no longer matter and if you complain the Dem's will replace you with an illegal. You got what you voted for.

  4. "I'm going to go out and drive in the blizzard to get a Slurpee at 7-11, be back in a few." "Are you sure that is wise?" "Sure it is, no problem, just little flakes of snow accumulated. I'll be fine…"

  5. I haven't been able to got to work all week now, supervisor just txt me and told me we are closed tomorrow also. I've lived in buffalo all my life and this is deff the worst I can remember but luckily I have had power the entire time.

  6. "Who confesses with mouth and believes in heart that Krist died to take sins of people and after that rose again=will be Saved."Do it now, repent because time is very short

  7. I don’t know why residents don’t invest in motorized snow mobiles. They know it’s going to snow every winter. A second vehicle that rides over snow and ice is worthy of consideration over buying a boat or other recreational vehicle.


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