Death of the Princess and Conspiracy Theory – Paul Harvey – The Rest of the Story

Even as a young child, the girl who became a princess hated long car rides. When she learned to drive, she hated it as well. And then a tragedy happened followed by conspiracy theories. Find out more in this episode of Paul Harvey’s “The Rest of the Story.”


9 thoughts on “Death of the Princess and Conspiracy Theory – Paul Harvey – The Rest of the Story”

  1. Can't wait to come home and listen to this, but, alas, must head for the bus stop! Have a great day, everyone!!!!
    Can't believe this was 41 and a half years ago, I remember those headlines like it was yesterday. I grew up watching those wonderful movies with my mother(she was a former model and dressed like a movie star every day of her life, God rest her soul, I miss her so much). The irony is so perplexing surrounding that crash. Was it premonition, who can say? WHY people create conspiracy theories has always been a pet peeve of mine! I admire Prince Rainer's devotion to her. It was a true fairy tale romance, IMO.

  2. Ok I somehow knew this was Princess …… I want to thank you for setting the record straight about what caused the wreak. I believe you just get better with each story. I Can't wait until your next one. Thanks again Brad.

  3. "Is it possible that she subconsciously profesied her own demise?" Is it possible that she was as lacking in confidence as she was in experience, froze up at the most inopportune moment, and sealed her own fate?


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