Deadly Blow: Israel incinerated all Hamaz soldiers in tunnels with its deadly chemical weapon!

Deadly Blow: Israel incinerated all Hamaz soldiers in tunnels with its deadly chemical weapon!


20 thoughts on “Deadly Blow: Israel incinerated all Hamaz soldiers in tunnels with its deadly chemical weapon!”


    On October 9, Egyptian intelligence said publicly that it had given Israel repeated high-level warnings of a pending attack—“something big”—before the Gaza-based Hamas struck, including a direct phone call from Cairo’s intelligence minister to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in late September.
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has categorically denied he was ever warned by Egypt which is to be expected.

    In Netanyahu’s desperate obsession to remain in power he increasingly sought the political support of the most far Right elements in Israel much to the dismay of many.
    This led to his strong unwavering support of the "Settlers" in the West Bank, people who are responsible for the most heinous, criminal acts towards the Palestinian farmers in that area including house burnings, attacks and even murder.

    The illegal actions of the clearly fanatical "Settlers" made it increasingly necessary to concentrate more and more IDF forces in and near the West Bank thus effectively diminishing the number of forces available to protect the South on 7 October.

    It is impossible to escape the painful yet truthful fact that much if not all the blame for the Oct 7 tragedy can and should be laid at the door of the Prime Minister's Office.
    Although he may live in a world of self denial, the majority of the world now sees him for what he is, an abject political failure in the pocket of the extreme Far Right, desperately trying to cling to Power, regardless of the cost.
    Netanyahu has copious amounts of blood on his hands that can never be washed away with the passage of time, even as more and more Israeli soldiers continue to die in Gaza as a result of what transpired on Oct 7.

    PM Netanyahu had a fiduciary responsibility to guarantee to the people of Israel that “Never Again” meant “Never Again”. In that regard he has failed miserably.

  2. This is a deadlock race to obliterate each other to the last man standing, with the world media and UN's full respect on the side of the Radical Islamic extremists. They've done the same thing in every country they've ever tried to conquer, move in like lambs and then protest with all technological warfare they can possibly obtain. You cant blame all that on Israel, Jordon was once a free Judeo-Christian nation. Now it's a pit full of vipers, and it took very little time to kill off the unarmed and innocent. We're all now obligated to choose which side of life we stand on, and be prepared to give it our all, as it now calls for. "Who's God will you serve?" once again comes forth. They're definitely NOT the same god here. One calls for love, the other calls for death and the grave. Are there different ways to find the True God? No, but there's different gods to choose from. It's time to figure out which one you serve, because they're now at war. .


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