Dead Space | A Complete History and Retrospective

Hey Dad,
Today we’re going to look back at a Horror Classic, Dead Space. I want to revisit this masterpiece and begin my look at the entire series. Let’s see if Dead Space still holds up all these years later.

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Intro 0:00
Development 1:50
Dead Space 7:08
The Real Story 54:43
Final Thoughts 59:13


45 thoughts on “Dead Space | A Complete History and Retrospective”

  1. Small note for this game: The ammo drops you get are influenced by the weapons you have equipped. So if you have just the plasma cutter and line gun you'll get ammo for those weapons mainly (you'll still get ammo for the other weapons but are less common of drops if they're not equipped in your inventory).

  2. One of my favorite games growing up, glad I gave it a chance. Back then all I would play is call of duty and didn’t think I would like it at 12 years old. Words can’t describe how happy I am to see this game remastered.

  3. Hey Son,

    I have no idea if your Dad watches your videos or appreciates the time and effort you put into each video.

    But I am insanely proud of you and love everything you do. I will continue to support you every step of the way.



    PS: You most definitely are my favorite son!

  4. I absolutely love this game series & am so stoked to play the Remake (if I can scrounge up the money). My 4 main weapons in DS1 were the plasma cutter, pulse rifle, flame thrower (it reminded me of Alien) and the weapon that acted like a shotty by shooting out a blast of energy. In DS2 & 3 I replaced the flame thrower with the rifle that had a zoom function on it. I tried out the other weapons like the line cutter & others, but they just never appealed to me. Not dssing them, just saying they didn't appeal to me personally. Also, its important to note that you will find ammo based on the weapons you have equipped. If you are using a weapon that you don't care for but keep finding ammo for it then ditch the wepaon into your store inventory and you'll eventually stop finding ammo for it. Again. the weapons you have equipped will tend to determine the ammo type you pick up. You may sometimes pick up other ammo types but it will be reduced when you DON'T have the weapon in your immediate inventory. And even though you can carry up to 4 weapons, if you carry less (like two) then you will mostly find ammo for what you have (those two). You may find other ammo types, but again it will be reduced. You mostly find ammo for what you have equipped.

  5. Dead Space 1 is divided into separate chapters that are ALL named. If you take the first letter of each chapter name, you end up with the message…"Nicole is Dead." Pretty creepy stuff hidden in plain sight.
    Also, there have been various novels, comics & other games that have been released which greatly increases its compelling lore.

  6. I have played less than 5 games in the past 8 years ….. Games like Dead Space, Bioshock, Infamous 1 and 2, Uncharted 1 and 2 were all masterpieces/experiences that NOBODY can replicate – NOBODY – not even close – no way – no how ….
    All these talented people have packed their bags and left….. never to return.
    If you keep up on who is making modern games – how they are treated – what the trends are …etc etc etc etc…… You will understand why games this good will never see the light of day – EVER AGAIN.
    It's truly a sad state of affairs – The PS4/XBOX One generation was objectively pathetic….. Seriously – Does your console have 6 inches of dust on it?….. So does mine….Game development/character design/animation/artificial intelligence are skills you can put to use in literally ANY other career path…… The gaming industry insists that you work 149 hours a week – every single week of every single year.
    …… And so we have countless normies who are – to this day – scratching their head wondering why every game on the market is an unplayable low budget shovelware dumpster fire piece of shit.
    The Golden age of gaming has come – and gone. Be thankful you just happen to exist at this particular moment in history.

  7. 43:00 The Ripper blade is actually pretty powerful if you know how to exploit it. The problem is that it has a weird damage proc if you hold it over the limb you to want to sever. Something prevents it from resetting. Instead you wave it up and down a necromorph to get a ton of procs.

  8. 99% ads 1% videos lol damn I watched more ads than the video itself didn't make it far cause right after another ad damn ya greedy asf sucks to be poor

  9. That "man" that was killed by Mercer wasnt just a man, that was Jacob Temple. Jacob Temples path and what he did indirectly helped Issac and did what he could to save everyone and the ship before he gave up to save his gf who ultimately did betray him because she was a believer of the marker. He died a sad death despite him doing everything he could to save everyone.

  10. Great video, man. I remember playing this as a teen and having no idea what I was getting into. I just remember thinking the box art looked cool when I was at my local GameStop lol I'm so psyched for the remake!

  11. I Love Dead space replayed it earlier this year in prep for the remake but heard it got pushed back or i might be remembering it wrong regardless its still a game that gets addictive.

  12. I didn't like the ripper at first, I ended up using it most of any weapon due to the large amount of ammo you find for it. At first just saving up for other ammo types, but when you get used to it it's pretty good.

  13. I really loved the video and audio logs as a form of storytelling. As you say it’s great lore to add to the world, but also it leaves you with this sense of ambiguity to it, or it’s enigmatic in a way. Leaving you to keep imagining about it.

  14. Very interesting that he took inspiration from RE4, at least to me. RE4 imo was the entry that took RE down the path of action/gunplay rather than survival horror, let alone horror at all.

  15. Actually, the ammo you find is based on the weapon you are carrying so if you always carry the ripper, there's a 1/4 chance distribute among the weapon you are carrying to find the ripper ammo.


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