Dead Island 2 PS5 Graphics Analysis – Is It One of the Best Looking Zombie Games Out There?

Dead Island 2 looks about as good as one would expect from a game utilizing this tech. The presentation is pretty solid all around, and apart from a few minor shortcomings – there isn’t much to complain about. It also performs well with little to no bugs and glitches – at least on the PS5. Of course, it’s also a really fun time as well.


30 thoughts on “Dead Island 2 PS5 Graphics Analysis – Is It One of the Best Looking Zombie Games Out There?”

  1. There's some QOL improvements I hope they implement in the future. Money is picked up without needing a button prompt. I hope materials can be the same especially when multiple items are on the floor. An absolutely gorgeous game on my OLED TV, all the bright colors pop!

  2. I do recommend this game its good will try multiplayer later today the game seem to be a bit short and the weapons break easy but u can repair weapons very often so don't throw away the high damage weapons

  3. Thats how dying light 2 supposed to be…at las an other developer after years of waiting finally delivers…..a fun,arcade,bloodlust and coop game to play with grinding ,slow and shallow game like dying light 2….still….i will wait for a discount….

  4. I finally got around to Homefront The Revolution (also from Dambusters) recently in the leadup to Dead Island 2 and honestly that game also looks beautiful at times, has been fixed since launch and runs great on current gen hardware finally, and was a real hidden gem. It usually goes on sale for legit 2 dollars so highly recommend if anyone is looking for a solid semi open world guerilla shooter with a servicable story. It convinced me DI was in good hands and it seems they didn’t disappoint.

  5. I'm getting over 100-130fps at 3440×1440 max settings on pc, my only issue is if with they only added RT, there's no self reflection on mirrors as well lol

  6. “Is it one of the best looking zombie games out there?” – yet, this is only a PS5 look … so, can we surmise that the PS5 version is the best version? I know y’all aren’t Digital Foundry, but a comparison between the newest consoles, in my opinion, is better than showcasing a singular system … unless the narrative is the single console you showcase is to you “the best” 🤔

  7. Hey man…where is the Series X analysis? We need both so I, the consumer can make an informed choice. I do have the game pre-ordered on our Series X but I could just as easily switch it to our PS5 if it runs better.

    Unreal Engine 4…is disappointing. Once again the 8th generation holds everyone back. We have no Ray Tracing and in it's place we get old baked in, low res, blurry reflections. I'm also not to pleased that there are freaking loading times? A game running on Unreal Engine 4 through an SDD should not feature any load times at all. Lastly, what's with this "target 4K" business? That should not happen either especially running on last generation tech.


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