Dead End: Paranormal Park — Driver's Seat

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25 thoughts on “Dead End: Paranormal Park — Driver's Seat”

  1. *[LYRICS]*

    [PUGSLEY, spoken]
    It's too late…. he's taken over

    [BARNEY, spoken]
    What.. who?

    Me! (laughs maniacally)

    [PUGSLEY, spoken]
    Oh no, you don't!

    [TEMELUCHUS, spoken]
    Oh, don't mind if I do!

    Did you miss me, little doggy?
    I've been sleeping deep inside
    It's been cramped and kind of boring
    So how's about restoring me?
    I'll take you for a ride!

    Actually, I'm good, no thank you!
    I've been doing fine without you
    With my powers and my voice, yeah!

    Uhh, whose powers are those, really?
    You didn't come by them freely

    I don't think I had much choice

    Just put me
    In the driver's seat
    Look at yourself
    You're just two feet tall and made of meat!
    But being me
    Is the best thing you're ever gonna get
    I promise you that!
    So you might as well put me in the driver—
    Put me in the driver
    Put me in the driver’s seat
    (chuckles menacingly)

    I never asked for you inside me
    I might just kick you out
    And I could really do without this
    Demonic little plot twist
    ’Cause Norma needs me now!

    Your bark is bigger than your bite, kid!
    She's gone unless we're united
    So come on, baby — give me that wheel

    No, no, no
    Last time you tried to kill us

    Oh, that was then
    I beg forgiveness
    So tell me pug, do we have a deal?
    Just put me
    In the driver's seat

    [PUGSLEY, spoken]
    And you'll give it back?
    [TEMELUCHUS, spoken]
    Oh, sure

    I'll put you back in one piece!

    If being you is the only way we stop Pauline
    I guess I better put you in the driver…

    Put me in the driver…

    Put you in the driver…

    Put me in the driver…

    Put you there, in the driver's seat

  2. Wish more of the songs from this episode were appreciated the way My Frankenstein is. It's a great song too, but so is this one! An Courtney's! And- I just really liked so many of the songs…


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