DCR GRID To The RESCUE | Diggle Diaries: June 2023

Diggle Diaries: An attempt to film all daylight running freight and interesting workings from Diggle Junction. Situated on the picturesque Trans-Pennine, Manchester to Huddersfield and Leeds route, Diggle Jn lies at the top of a steep incline leading into Standedge Tunnel. Providing beautiful scenery, varied freight and trains working hard up the hill, there aren’t many better places for a bit of trainspotting.

This month includes:
– Loco cavalcade heads to the ELR diesel gala
– DCR grid on the Haverton tanks
– Class 60 Drax workings
– Britannia in Wales
– And much more…

Thanks for watching!

Please leave a like, it helps a lot and don’t forget to subscribe for more rail videos.

Dedicated to Alan William Gaskell.

Thanks to Ben & Joel for the loco icons, check out the 2023 Train Database here:

For enquiries, or if you would like to use any clips, email [email protected]

Intro music by @gordovox1559

iPhone 14 Pro Max
Lammcou Tripod: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Flexible-Gorilla-Octopus-Portable-Tripods/dp/B073N9687P/ref=sr_1_8_sspa?crid=1XESV3TJ9MN2T&keywords=iphone+13+pro+max+tripod&qid=1668707727&sprefix=iphone+13+pro+max+tripod%2Caps%2C102&sr=8-8-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&psc=1&smid=A3TB0FC64S1KKX
RØDE Microphone: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B015R0IQGW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Hitfilm Editing Software: https://fxhome.com/


14 thoughts on “DCR GRID To The RESCUE | Diggle Diaries: June 2023”

  1. Thanks Luke, another interesting selection of old and new. My wife and I are coming to Diggle tomorrow, Wednesday, which part of the day sees the most workings please?


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