Day 124 (1 Chronicles 13-16)

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32 thoughts on “Day 124 (1 Chronicles 13-16)”

  1. I saw the story of Uzzah and the ark in a completely different light today. I used to think, but why was he killed? He was trying to stop the ark from falling. Reading it again this morning and the following chapter of how David told the Levites to carry the ark with poles as God commanded helped me understand the story a lot better. Thank you Jesus for The Bible Recap and for Tara!

  2. Thank you TLC for clarifying why Uzzah died for touching the ark. It reminds me that I should not lean on my own understanding but in all my ways to acknowledge the way of the Lord to avoid the consequences of my decisions.

  3. Thank you for your recap. I highlight various verses when i read the designated reading for the day first before listening to the recap. I find it interesting that you always cover the same verses I highlighted on my bible. Thank you for your wonderful insight.

  4. The Lord spoke the word "continually" to me 2x Sunday and since its come up in my Bible plans 2x and my therapist even said it. This is for my mental physical and spiritual health and my career path. I've prayed for clarity and this is affirmation

  5. My God shot was in 16: 25 and 26“For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and he is to be FEARED ABOVE ALL GODS. For all the gods of the peoples are worthless idols, but the LORD MADE THE HEAVENS.” He is holy beyond our comprehension, separated from us by orders of magnitude. And yet He wants to be near us.

  6. The story of David bringing the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem reminds me again of God's holiness. David meant well. He desired to bring the ark, but in his eagerness, he failed to seek God on how to properly transport it, hence Uzzah being struck down in death for touching it (1 Chronicles 13: 5-14). The ark stayed in the house of Obed-edom for 3 months. Chapter 14 gives a brief summary of David's additional wives and children, plus his defeat of the Philistines. By chapter 15, David realizes his error and makes proper preparations for transporting the ark of the covenant. Only the Levites could carry it, and before then, they had to consecrate themselves. Interesting to note, when the ark arrives in Jerusalem, David is joyfully praising God. His wife, Michal, sees him and despises him in her heart (1 Chronicles 15: 29). I can only speculate, but Michal lost her father, Saul, and her brothers. David was gone for a long time when he was fleeing from Saul, so she was given to another husband who I think she wanted to stay with. Plus, David acquired other wives and concubines. She definitely could have been bitter by this point. My God shot came from chapter 16, verses 8-36. This was a wonderful song of praise. Give thanks to the Lord. Seek His strength and presence always. Remember His wondrous works. Tell of His salvation and declare of His glory to all nations. He is splendor and majesty, strength and joy. The Lord is great and greatly to be praised! He's where the joy is!

    Side note: I can appreciate what Tara-Leigh said in regards to David, Uzzah, and Oroverbs 14: 12. It's hard to read about his death. But God is holy, and we are not. God requires obedience. The instructions were already laid out on how to transparency the ark, but they were disregarded. We can't do what's right in our own eyes and expect God to endorse it. Praise our LORD through Jesus Christ that He keeps showing me, and us, grace and mercy.

  7. "It's never wise to take your cues on God from people who don't know or love Him", that really spoke to me today! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and reminding us where to keep our focus!

  8. how wonderful that we all are getting know God better through reading the Bible, the link to more reading on Uzzah was, for me, a good lesson in remembering who God is.

    Spending time with God in reading everyday may have an familiarity attitude, "I know that about God, let me skip this" and in that I will find myself losing my reverence for God Almighty.

    I need to be aware that my "familiarity" can cause an irreverent attitude towards God.

  9. As a stable juzzuhia focidicual repressive mark within bDNAcking inside your methylation plussy yacatalyzedartury by the CraDNAtion striking your thrusting methyltransferases for the penalties from violating your merciful duties in kartRAPaffric jiggles

    PSALMS 25:1

  10. He’s Good, He shares His plans. Seek Him through scripture. Let Him guide us. Thank Him for His written WORD, and Holy Spirt.

    “…the Lord our God broke out against us, because we did not seek him according to the rule.””
    ‭‭1 Chronicles‬ ‭15‬:‭13‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    “Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!”
    ‭‭1 Chronicles‬ ‭16‬:‭11‬ ‭ESV‬‬

  11. Great recap today…the story of Uzzah is a tough one. I've struggled with it for years. Eugene Peterson wrote a chapter about this story in his book, "Leap Over a Wall," that I found super helpful in understanding what God is up to in this story.

    Peterson highlighted David's real, raw relationship with God vs. Uzzah's religious "God in a box" approach.

    "David's anger with God didn't get him killed. It didn't get him killed because David was as alive to God in his anger as he was earlier in his praise. Alive to God. Alive. David didn't like what had happened, but at least he was treating God as God. Uzzah would never have gotten angry with God; he was far too well-mannered and proper. And besides, one doesn't get angry with a box."

  12. …"great is the Lord and most worthy of praise…splendor and majesty are before him; strength and joy are in his dwelling place…worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness…The Lord reigns!" (1 Ch 16:25, 27, 29, 30)

  13. I’m a bit confused why David was wearing a priestly garment in 1 Chronicles 15: 27. Isn’t this also a sin? It’s strictly forbidden for people who aren’t priests to wear but this isn’t addressed

  14. It is time to bring back the Ark of our God, for we neglected it during the reign of Saul.”

    1 Chronicles 13:3 NLT

    Then King Hiram of Tyre sent messengers to David, along with cedar timber, and stonemasons and carpenters to build him a palace.

    1 Chronicles 14:1 NLT

    Then David and the elders of Israel and the generals of the army went to the house of Obed-edom to bring the Ark of the Lord’s Covenant up to Jerusalem with a great celebration.

    1 Chronicles 15:25 NLT

    They brought the Ark of God and placed it inside the special tent David had prepared for it. And they presented burnt offerings and peace offerings to God.

    1 Chronicles 16:1 NLT

  15. God's specific detailing for doing things isn't to discomfort us, though sometimes it may seen like that, but to draw us closer to Him. Using Uzzah as an example, I don't have to go through the short cut to achieve what God will have me do; I think it's also more reason God will give us instructions per time when we obey the first step? Yes, He loves details. I pray to love details as I follow in His foot prints of living the God-kind of life, rather than living life the way it seems good to me.


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