Day 11 – I Designed an Island in 30 Days without any Items

I think it’s time for another 30 day challenge, wouldn’t you say? 😊 Credits for the challenge belong to @fleurs_ for creating the idea and to @froggycrossing for making the challenge! 😄

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34 thoughts on “Day 11 – I Designed an Island in 30 Days without any Items”

  1. I haven’t finished the video but I def think you should get Lopez as a villager he’s very cowboy-ish. He’s got a deer mount and wood stove in his house so it completely matches. Also on one of my islands him and Zell are cousins, Lopez is the cowboy, and Zell decided to move on in life to the big city but then he missed his cousin and moved back home. You don’t have to but I mean I think it’s a great idea 😂 love your vids btw 🥰

  2. The highest amount of bugs I caught during the Bug-Off was around 18. I had a bug farm for cicadas and all the other summer bugs that appeared on trees, and I would just run through the row of trees catching the bugs. It was also great for selling bugs to Flick.

  3. The fact that u got cosmos straight away when my island is called daisy Brook so I wanted white cosmos to use as daisies and I got wildflowers as my first flower and spent over a YEAR Trying to find them URGGGGGHHHHH

  4. after 3 years, I finally did the bug off, and found that's how you get the termite mound….you accumulate points and tell Flick you want to use them, and he'll give you things for 10 points. Also, I found I'd get more bugs after I watered my flowers. future reference fyi

  5. Idk what to do. My Turnip price is 124 today but according to a turnip website Tuesday night is the best price but I’m afraid to check. Should I take that change and time travel/wait until tomorrow or should I just sell them now? I paid 99 for them so idk

  6. Congrats on 100 videos and 5000 subscribers. You honestly made Animal Crossing so new for me again (and introduced me to FroggyCrossing) and you have such a unique brand of energy that I don't see in other YouTubers. I really hope YT works out for you. It's refreshing to watch someone who doesn't filter themselves or try to be something they're not ♥️

  7. You should definitely be proud of your accomplishments. 5,000 subscribers with only 100 videos is a big deal! I have been doing YouTube over 4 years, I have hundreds of videos on my channel, yet I still haven't reached 1000 subscribers. That's fine, it's not why I do it anyway. But I just wanted you to know that you are way ahead of the curve! I wish you continued success in the coming years!


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