Day 092 Judges 8-9 | Daily One Year Bible Study | Audio Bible Reading with Commentary

Day 092 of Heart Dive 365, where we are diving heart first into the Word of God! Today we are reading and studying through Judges 8-9.

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⚡Today’s Notes⚡



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Kanoe Gibson Nitta
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ESV Copyright and Permissions Information
The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®)© 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.All rights reserved. The ESV text may not be quoted in any publication made available to the public by a Creative Commons license. The ESV may not be translated in whole or in part into any other language.ESV Text Edition: 2016

Other sources used:

Courson, Jon. Jon Courson’s Application Commentary: New Testament. Thomas Nelson Inc., 2006.

Courson, Jon. Jon Courson’s Application Commentary: Old Testament. Thomas Nelson Inc., 2006.

“Free Bible Commentary from Pastor David Guzik.” Enduring Word, Accessed 2024.

The Nelson Study Bible: New King James Version. E. D. Radmacher et al, eds. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1997. (Now: NKJV Study Bible, 2nd ed. Editors? Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2011

0:00-2:45 Intro and prayer
2:45-16:12 Judges 8
16:13-29:15 Judges 7
29:15-34:10 Prayers


38 thoughts on “Day 092 Judges 8-9 | Daily One Year Bible Study | Audio Bible Reading with Commentary”

  1. STILL HERE FROM 2023 THANK YOU KANOE AND HOLLY FOR BEING FAITHFUL TO ARE LORD thank you for your grace, y’all obedience, your knowledge, for being humble, graceful, soft-spoken, truthful, transparent, kind, loving, and so many more other things, God bless you all, in the name of Jesus, Lord and savior

  2. I'd love to know how to reply to someone that says it isn't ok for a woman to make a Bible study unless it is only for women (like it says in Titus 2). I LOVE this Bible study and want to share it with people, but many say because it is made by a woman it isn't biblical. What do I do?

  3. Good Morning Heart Dive Family! I am still here reading and studying along. This has been a saving grace for me knowing each evening and morning I have you Kanoe reading and teaching through the Bible! I look forward everyday to this group and study! raise the Lord! 🥰❤🙏💐

  4. Hello Kanoe and friends. I’m not sure how many others use the notes (to actually download / print them off)…but I’m having an issue after day 83, I can’t get them to pull up on my phone. Was wondering if someone could tell me if it’s a personal issue (all my own) or if they really aren’t there yet. Thanks in advance. Have a blessed day.

  5. Thank you, Kanoe! Thank God for each person who is following this Bible study! God Bless you Holly and every leader behind the scenes! Still here after 2023 and 92 days in 2024. I look forward to each day of the study. I wake up every morning asking God what He and I are going to do together today.

    God bless each of you. Praying for the group and for everyone who may have suffered storm damage.

  6. I thought it was interesting that when you mentioned the meaning of the name was "my father is king" 13:49, I immediately thought what an awesome meaning because the King I thought of is my *Heavenly Father GOD, King of kings and Lord of lords*! ♥ Jenny


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