Dax – "God's Eyes" (Official Music Video)

Do you believe we are in the end times?
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Click here to listen: https://dax.lnk.to/GodsEyes

Click here for tour tickets: https://daxofficial.com/pages/tour

Follow DAX: @ thatsdax
Shot By: Logan Meis
Produced By: Lex Nour Beats

#GodsEyes #religion #church #christianity #catholic #dax #god #politics


I’ve never God’s eyes
But I seen the devils
He walks with man on Earth
At different levels
He knows the king we serve
So hates and meddles
And prays that we all burn and turn to rebels
He tried to get my soul
But I’ll never settle
I’ll walk this lonely road
From the Burbs to ghettos
I’ll take the gift bestowed
And return a vessel
I am the one they chose
Yeah yeah yeah

Rebellious in our ways
been sinners since birth
He knew that it would happen
when he put us on this earth
We’ve demonized religion brought corruption to the church
We know price everything but we don’t know the worth
We spend all of our time idolizing false prophets
Comparisons the enemy stop watching others pockets
The social systems broken
We divide on every topic
They fabricate the truth
Then we all monetize the gossip
We know the problems and we see them, but don’t wanna change we’re desensitized to every issue cause they let us profit off of peoples pain in this dystopian age we are the game that he plays, and all the evil deceitful people shake our faith

I’ve never God’s eyes
But I seen the devils
He walks with man on Earth
At different levels
He knows the king we serve
So hates and meddles
And prays that we all burn and turn to rebels
He tried to get my soul
But I’ll never settle
I’ll walk this lonely road
From the Burbs to ghettos
I’ll take the gift bestowed
And return a vessel
I am the one they chose
Yeah yeah yeah

Our God is an awesome artist in perilous times we seek his grace as the world and times we face turn fake in the face of the devils mirages
In the midst of the pain distain and the medias push of all this garbage I pray that you keep your faith as the whole world breaks and the real get disregarded
It’s bout time that we take it back
The Weights to great for the Camels back
Strong men made life an easy task and now the weak men feminize every act
In the church and the workplace every class
On the television screen and the state of rap
All virtues gone and has to fade black
we’re in hell on earth and it gon collapse integrities lost hedonism we incentive
Gods on the way the revolution will be televised
Gone to far don’t know if we can rectify
At those gates we will testify
So I’m saying it now before they counter it clockwise we are living in times where the wickedest all rise the intelligent fall and the stupidest all thrive and the real get pushed aside

I’ve never God’s eyes
But I seen the devils
He walks with man on Earth
At different levels
He knows the king we serve
So hates and meddles
And prays that we all burn and turn to rebels
He tried to get my soul
But I’ll never settle
I’ll walk this lonely road
From the Burbs to ghettos
I’ll take the gift bestowed
And return a vessel
I am the one they chose
Yeah yeah yeah


If you made this far you are a real one. 2023 is just getting started. SO MUCH MORE IMPACT ON THE WAY! Can’t wait to see everyone on tour! Tickets are going fast. Let’s continue making an IMPACT with music for the people spread by the people. LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE!


48 thoughts on “Dax – "God's Eyes" (Official Music Video)”

    Comment “AMEN”🙏🏾♥️✝️ let’s make an IMPACT and spread this everywhere! Love you all…

    Available on all streaming:

    Tour tickets:

    God’s Eyes Lyrics:

    I’ve never God’s eyes
    But I seen the devils
    He walks with man on Earth
    At different levels
    He knows the king we serve
    So hates and meddles
    And prays that we all burn and turn to rebels
    He tried to get my soul
    But I’ll never settle
    I’ll walk this lonely road
    From the Burbs to ghettos
    I’ll take the gift bestowed
    And return a vessel
    I am the one they chose
    Yeah yeah yeah

    Rebellious in our ways
    been sinners since birth
    He knew that it would happen
    when he put us on this earth
    We’ve demonized religion brought corruption to the church
    We know price everything but we don’t know the worth
    We spend all of our time idolizing false prophets
    Comparisons the enemy stop watching others pockets
    The social systems broken
    We divide on every topic
    They fabricate the truth
    Then we all monetize the gossip
    We know the problems and we see them, but don’t wanna change we’re desensitized to every issue cause they let us profit off of peoples pain in this dystopian age we are the game that he plays, and all the evil deceitful people shake our faith

    I’ve never God’s eyes
    But I seen the devils
    He walks with man on Earth
    At different levels
    He knows the king we serve
    So hates and meddles
    And prays that we all burn and turn to rebels
    He tried to get my soul
    But I’ll never settle
    I’ll walk this lonely road
    From the Burbs to ghettos
    I’ll take the gift bestowed
    And return a vessel
    I am the one they chose
    Yeah yeah yeah

    Our God is an awesome artist in periless times we seek his grace as the world and times we face turn fake in the face of the devils mirages
    In the midst of the pain distain and the medias push of all this garbage I pray that you keep your faith as the whole world breaks and the real get disregarded
    It’s bout time that we take it back
    The Weights to great for the Camels back
    Strong men made life an easy task and now the weak men feminize every act
    In the church and the workplace every class
    On the television screen and the state of rap
    All virtues gone and has to fade black
    we’re in hell on earth and it gon collapse integrities lost hedonism we incentive
    Gods on the way the revolution will be televised
    Gone to far don’t know if we can rectify
    At those gates we will testify
    So I’m saying it now before they counter it clockwise we are living in times where the wickedest all rise the intelligent fall and the stupidest all thrive and the real get pushed aside

    I’ve never God’s eyes
    But I seen the devils
    He walks with man on Earth
    At different levels
    He knows the king we serve
    So hates and meddles
    And prays that we all burn and turn to rebels
    He tried to get my soul
    But I’ll never settle
    I’ll walk this lonely road
    From the Burbs to ghettos
    I’ll take the gift bestowed
    And return a vessel
    I am the one they chose
    Yeah yeah yeah

  2. Hello Dax I am Jennifer Telfer a loyal fan of yours I have been to your concert at CJ's Hall in London ontario on December 2nd which just happened to be my birthday. And now it's been less then a year and I will be at your other concert in London tonight September 24th rumrunners. Wish I had enough for backstage passes but I could not afford it!!! See you tonight my friend May God bless you and your family.

  3. I dont worship anyone. I practice love, protection, and working to help people see the best in themself. So if i burn in the apocalypse because i dont worship God, then he is just as bad as what they paint Satan as. And maybe thats why Satan fell. Because he didnt agree with original corruption and blind following. Who knows. We dont. We werent there. And with the changing of textbooks theyre doing these days, who is to say the bible is all truth. #honestthoughts

  4. So this is what I’m talking about and I keep commenting on Dax! Social media page letting him know like a look you don’t need to be the next Eminem. This is straight talent to the max.

  5. I believe international tyrants of a financial elite, globalist cabal want people who believe in end times to believe we are in end times … And they have been increasingly using such things as directional energy weapons to manipulate and weaponize weather and other means to their end goal of ruling a world with greatly-reduced population that lives in terror they perpetuate to financially profit from in ways such as building-back "better" after man-made "natural" disasters and "plagues" et al

    I also believe those who say, "Armaggedon is not what it used to be" and people of all nationalities will fullfill a native American prophecy which says that at a troubled time such as lately "the rainbow people (all races of the world) would rise and take power back for the people. That prophecy aligns with astrological predictions by both Western astrologers and Siberian shamans.

    Bible was written by men who mangled what Jesus taught, over 200 years after his death when no one could refute it until ancient clay jars of disciples accounts of teachings that were edited-out were discovered beginning in 1940's in the Nag Hamadi caves near Jeruselum.

    Better days are ahead for humanity than falsified Bible predicts.

  6. People say Dax isn’t a good Christian because he uses strong language in his work to connect to others that might not be able to connect to faith otherwise. Dax has it right. Anyone who thinks they can live a perfect life is arrogant in the eyes of God. We can never live up to what would be required which is why we have to lean on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. No one is perfect and he has found a way to communicate to others without the pretension of “being perfect”. We all should focus more on faith rather than beat ourselves up with attempted actions. It is through faith alone. Remember the thief on the cross. He did not do the deeds people so often strive for but through his faith became one of the most powerful messengers in the entire Bible. All the fancy other stuff may lend to only hurting ones self. It is through faith alone and Dax nails that.

  7. God wants the broken, the addicts, imprisoned, prostitutes, the poor, the ones that have been through the darkest of times. You cant see light without the dark….
    Jesus is the only way

  8. after all these years, i love how dax didnt change, i remember his first hit song, when he just record on a bridge, just him, and his talent, now we got this top tier level productions with the same feeling and purity, im proud of you dax.

  9. I love you, you're my favorite singer, I wish I can be one of your music videos, but I don't know where you live, I live in Tennessee, you might live, might live so far away from me, so I can't be in one.

  10. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤love you


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