DAX 2022: Insights Obtained From Mining Ship-tracks within NASA Data – Tianle Yuan

Insights Obtained From Mining Ship-tracks within NASA Data
Our team combed through half petabyte of satellite data to find rare features called ship-tracks. They can be used to tackle one of the key uncertainty of climate science. In this talk, we document how we use deep learning to achieve this with a small budget and present what we learned.

Dr. Tianle Yuan
Dr. Tianle Yuan is an associate research scientist at NASA GSFC and GESTAR-II UMBC. He specializes in applying deep learning and machine learning to remote sensing data and climate science. He has led several NASA projects in developing deep learning models to obtain high-level insights from data pools. He has a BS from Peking University and a PhD from Univ. Of Maryland, College Park.

DAX 2022
DAX 2022 was was held on June 4, 2022 at UMBC and focused on data science, analytics, and general data exploration. More information can be found at https://daxconf.org


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