Dawn of War II CO-OP ft. Shar Dundred – Part 7

Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMmfhvBzj4FCbE0f7O1TP10DjO7h5IiRx

I am joined by Shar Dundred for a cooperative playthrough of Dawn of War II. This sequel is a stark divergence from the original entry and expansions of the build & destroy variety. Instead, the players choose the units to be used prior to beginning a mission, cannot build new units once the mission begins, and has only limited reinforcement options.

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15 thoughts on “Dawn of War II CO-OP ft. Shar Dundred – Part 7”

  1. Spacemarines do not run from mimes! They run up and headbutt them! Only weaklings like the tau, eldar or guard cower in fear from a small explosive device just lying around on the ground.

  2. They REALLY do not want Snipe ability for Cyrus, even though it's probably the best thing he has right after remote packs + stealth abilities combo.

  3. Plasma wrapons are very useful for a certain fiery boss you'll be fighting later (in-lore invulnerable to flame and melta thanks to the "molten body" it's made of), otherwise just upgrade tarkus' guys into elites (2 free plasma) for extra punch (plasma hurts vehicles better than bolt). While scouts/phobos armored marines nowadays do have bolt snipers (designed after g36 oddly enough), the one shown in cyrus' hands is a needler instead (see the right side for the loading port for said needles).
    Regarding tyranids, just throwing dakka at them won't do much (they got waaay more bodies than you got said dakka), a way to strike at their hive ships is better, provided you can get past said bodies first somehow alive.

  4. 4/4 resilience! Nice job guys!

    Even when bringing Thaddeus against the Nids is generally a horrible idea on higher difficulties.

    And please buff Cyrus, he's basically easy mode compared to Thaddeus. And Terminators too, they're very fun to send against your enemies and crush everything that stands in your way.

  5. Synapse backlash, the most anti-Tyranid mechanic in this game!
    When a synapse creature (Warriors, Venom Brood, or Zoanthropes in this game iirc) dies, it does damage, knockback, and applies a berserk to all other Tyranids nearby. I can't remember whether or not other synapse creatures are affected in this game, but it doesn't make that much of a difference since everything else will be affected. It also applies a minor berserk to the enemies that causes them to attack each other, as I recall, but it doesn't do a lot of damage since the enemy has radically more health than you, and their damage output is tuned based on your health, i.e. they do barely any damage to each other. Good distraction though.

    Naturally, this is why the entire comments section is clamouring for Cyrus's high powered shot, since it one-shots pretty much all infantry (and does decent damage to Carnifexes, remarkably). Imagine getting a synapse backlash at the click of a button! But you can also use other units for it. Since Jay is committed to using Thaddeus, apparently, it's worth noting that he can do a decent job of hunting Barbed Strangler and Venom Cannon warriors, and also is pretty effective against Zoanthropes. Tarkus's plasma gun is also reasonably effective, and is a go-to for many players in general since it's essentially soft anti-vehicle, thus negating the need to bring a missile launcher.

    One last thing: watch for spore mines and explosive barrels. Even on normal mode, spore mines will kill you in a flash, so imagine what they do on Captain and Primarch. Be very careful around explosive barrels when you have things that crush cover. Some of the barrels do damage when they explode, so if you walk, say, Avitus in Terminator armour into one and he's low on health, it might kill him. I lost a perfect resilience score on Primarch once because Avitus walked into a barrel. I thought I was safe, but it turns out, no.


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