DARKTIDE – UNLIMITED POWER Psyker Surge Staff Gameplay (Heresy) – Warhammer 40k Darktide

Unleash UNLIMITED POWER with the Force Lightning Palpatine Surge Staff for Psyker in Warhammer 40k Darktide, as we take on Heresy (High Difficulty). Darktide Psyker Psykinetic Gameplay with the Surge Staff.

Warhammer 40000 Darktide – Surge Staff Psyker Gameplay

40k Darktide Psyker and Psykinetic Class gameplay


44 thoughts on “DARKTIDE – UNLIMITED POWER Psyker Surge Staff Gameplay (Heresy) – Warhammer 40k Darktide”

  1. Obviously there are some clear cut connection and stability issues on the current build of Darktide, as this run evidences. That notwithstanding, the Surge Staff for Psyker is a ridiculously powerful weapon. Combined with No Movement speed penalty while Quelling, and the 10% brain burst talent on any attack (which is an element of Psykers kit I think could use a buff, its a bit underwhelming) you have an insane amount of control over enemy specials, Ragers, and elites. We've done a bunch of runs with 2 Surge Staff psykers, and scary enemies just can't do anything when they get close. It stunlocks Mutants, it stunlocks Maulers, it stunlocks Poxbursters, and it still deals very respectable damage. It's not the most interactive staff (considering you dont have to aim it really), but if you want to unleash your inner Emperor Palpatine, its absolutely worth using. Arguably Psyker's best staff, although I find the Voidstrike more fun

  2. Still have no idea why there’s no friendly fire in this game whatsoever. Even disregarding Vermintide 2, most hoard shooters have friendly fire activated. So why not Darktide?

  3. So did anyone else know you can get two plague Ogryns at once? I was playing today and had one appear, then a second health bar popped up with a second ogryn joining the fight, blew my mind

  4. Normally I don't care for wizards, Jedi, elves or OP characters. I like me guardsman. But this actually makes me want to try the Psyker out. Think that will be my next class.

    Sidenote, since I saw it on one of your older Darktide videos, how did you get that Veteran helmet with the red face cover?

  5. Easy balance idea to increase the skill floor of lightning staff is to give its base left click something akin to bolt staff from V2 but uncharged. High damage, high speed lightning bolt for single target damage. Then increase the warp cost of its aoe stagger so you can’t just spam. Alternatively you could make it arc to fewer enemies.

  6. Ideas for electric chats "Watt a shocking situation" "Let's make these heretics dance the electric slide" "Thunderbolts and Lightning Very very frightening" (and then someone jumps in with "Mama Mia, mama mia, mama Mia let me go!!") 🤣🤣🤣

  7. Perils look very odd. Seems safer than Sienna using fire magic, and it should be quite the opposite. What is it? As long as you don't start something that adds perils at 100%, you're safe? That's beyond Eldar level of safety…

  8. not many people know this, but if you use the psyker ult ability you can save yourself from the 100%peril death animation, so I use it as a lifeline basically

    also the Surge staff for the Psyker push back the new ptsd inducing pox bomber back and stun it to the ground, so you can kill it at a safer distant

  9. Constantly hearing the psyker warning sounds im almost caped and i am caped all the time is extreamly frustrating and anoying! But other then that they are verry cool. Bin playing almost exclusively on my imperial guard to rank her up to get the uniforms. And tbh im enjoying that class the most atm.

  10. man psyker so weak on the end game they need to buff him and the Ogryn. Surge staff is the only usable because cc everything, the others have no damage at all, they should remove the cd on the pop talent to make it "all the time" if you have a dot build


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