Did you know that becoming a Christian has always meant a ticket to persecution? The pages of the history of the church are stained with the blood and tears of countless saints. The story of the Old Testament saints is no less blood-stained. The writer of Hebrews wrote the Spirit of God’s Divine record of the suffering that has flowed from the Garden of Eden to the last Old Testament prophet John the Baptist.

(Matt. 24:4–14)

The events described in this section are “the beginning of birth-pangs” (Matt. 24:8). The image of a woman in travail is a picture of the Tribulation period (Isa. 13:6–11; 1 Thes. 5:5). Let’s consider some of the significant events that will occur at the beginning of this period.


First, Persecution is inevitable for Christians:

• Matthew 5:11-12
(MOI-25; 990530PM)

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  1. What good will $ 400,000 do anyone at this time on the planet? We are at the end of history. God has been so good to me for 60 years. I have life. I have breath. I have health. I have hope. You can’t buy any of that.

  2. I dont get this pastor. He preaches this anout the tribukatibs Christians will have, and yet in other sermons he says we will not go through the tribulation. He says that the church will be taken out of this world ld pre tribulation? I dint get it. Anyone can explain it?

  3. Jesus, said when you see, these things, start to happens, look up because you redemption is, drawing near, He also made it plain that His followers, will be taken away before the Antichrist start to deceive many unbelievers, ❤❤❤❤❤

  4. Christains in canada are so afraid of persecution, they stay amongst each other only and do not even share the gospel with the sinners. They are lukewarm, safe and secure in their own little church bubbles! Not one christain witnessed to my own mother and father or brothers yet there were 97 churches within a 50 mile radius from our home. Pathetic!

  5. Watchout be aware these videos come from false prophets RELIGIOUS CHARLATANS, con-artists, scammers, money grabbers, soothsayers, megalomaniacs, schemers, deceivers who are after your mind and money 💰! They don't represent true biblical Christianity.

  6. These are not the Church, the Church has already been Rapture of the earth. What you are describing is the Great Tribulation period, and that will be a time the Jewish people turning back to Christ, whom they rejected, and the fulfilling of Zechariah cht 12, 13, 14, in Zechariah cht 14:12. Says, "Now this will be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the peoples who have gone to war against Jerusalem; their flesh will rot while they stand on their feet, and their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongue will rot in their mouth.

    This will happen in Jerusalem, and Jerusalem means Jerusalem and not the Gentiles and the Israelites that is living in the time of of the image of Daniel cht. 2.

    In Nebuchadnezzar dream, which Daniel interpreted, beginning at vs 24-45, which is what this guy is talking about, is fulfilled in the cht your teacher is taking about. And it has nothing to do with the Church, but all to do with the Israel when Christ set foot on earth again to deliver Israel out the of Intichrist.

  7. "And the eunuch answered Philip, and said, I pray thee, of whom speaketh the prophet this? of himself, or of some other man?" Acts 8:34 KJV … During Bible Study, we often come across a question asking how we would explain salvation to a non-believer. When we come into contact with those who are thirsty for information, will we be ready to provide it? Continuing our studies will keep us well versed in Scripture. Our faith in the Holy Spirit will guide us to people and provide words when we become uncertain. Like, Philip, we will always be alert and prepared to share the Good News any time, anywhere. … Dear God, we are eager to share Your Word with the world. We turn to Your Spirit for encouragement and guidance for words and opportunities to speak. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

  8. "If you do not have a sword, sell your cloak and go buy one"

    -Jesus, to His disciples.

    Our right to self defense is Biblical in nature. We are not tasked with fleeing if we're able to fight. We are not called to attack, but we ARE allowed to defend ourselves and the weak.

  9. This is midleading prophecy which is inflicting the spirit of fear on christians
    Yes the multitude has is and will suffer persecution but we have to differentiate between when the Saints are being addressed and when the multitude is bring addressed ….
    The headings and introductions of all the Scriptures specify who is being addressed
    Do you think there is no reason for that ?
    Stop mixing the Saints and the multitude because GOD has made a clear distinction of the difference between them over and over
    Has the Body of CHRIST witnessed (to see with your own eyes ) CHRIST ?
    How many gentiles have been beheaded in the Bible
    GOD is offering HIS people protection by HIS Angels in the last days : pslm 91 ( read the whole thing)
    please bear in mind Rev 22 : 19
    People read the Bible for yourselves with the help of the HOLY SPIRIT…..its the only way to know the truth
    Satan set up the religions with the soul purpose if deceiving the nations with false doctrines and fear

  10. I’m READY TO BE A MARTYR! I mean it!
    I pray I’m here for the tribulation and used as a servant of Christ!

    Don’t BE AFRAID! It’ll only hurt for a little. Take cold showers with lots of ice to get used to it! lol!


    I’m dead serious! I’m ready for what’s to come. God let me know, well I dont know but I feel it was Him, He let me know I’d be here for the last days.


  11. Thomas Cranmer (1489 – 1556)

    “Whereof it followeth Rome to be the seat of Antichrist, and the pope to be very antichrist himself. I could prove the same by many other scriptures, old writers, and strong reasons.” (Works by Cranmer, vol.1, pp.6-7)

    History shows from Pagan Rome to Papal Rome until the deadly wound in 1798, Rev 13:10, Rome on 7 hills, Rev 17:9, persecuted the Christian Church. God's intent for Protestant Reformation Rev 12:6-16,was to bring them back to the Commandments the Papacy think to change, Dan 7:25. The vast majority of the Churches Rev 17:5, except one Rev Rev 12:17, 14:12, has returned to the Commandments, having faith in the Historicist method Christian gave to the Protestant Churches of old, that the Papacy is antichrist. Rev 13:11,12, when deadly wound is healed by Apostate Protestant America "blue law", Sunday Sabbath law, persecution will arise once again against these remnant of Christianity, Rev 12:17, 14:17, because the whole world has been bamboozled by the Papacy Rev 14:8, 17:1,2, 19:2, that the Commandments are done away with.

  12. QUESTION: If you might be so kind to share what you believe about it. Do you believe the people who are martyred for Christ feel the pain? Or do you believe like the men who were thrown into the fiery furnace Jesus was there with them? Thank you.

  13. I'll go ahead and claim I am that I AM Johannes not Jesus. If ever I was i sure don't remember.
    However. I completed the Rev.19-22.❤
    Found river of Eden ( Anclote)
    Found Eden ( Tarpon Springs Fl.)
    Spring of Life in the center of that city with the Tree of Life still there. ( Brazilian Pepper Tree!)
    Saxer Saga or Saxer Stones or Anchors of Atlantis on youtube

  14. The Ark was taken to Chartes Cathedral and moved to My secret place.
    That Ark fitz into the Kings Coffer in the center of the Great Pyramid as it most likely came from there.(it fits)
    Why did Pharoh follow Moses people out of Egypt? Did he need his talk box to God Back?

  15. One of the biggest misconceptions is that in order to be Christ like we must allow ourselves to be slaughtered without fighting back. It’s perfect for the wolves who are cowards and love a good little sheep all defenseless and at their mercy. But Christians are absolutely not only able to fight but nowhere does it say we cannot fight for ourselves and for others. This mentality that we cannot fight if we are Christian is garbage and has been perpetuated far too long. We go to war in the spirit and tear down strongholds, bind demons and send them to the pit. It’s spiritual violence really. We are not to stand by passively in the spirit and allow demons to run rampant yet we are told we are to be passive in the physical as our families get tortured? Something wrong with that picture.


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