Daily Shake Up 760 – Putting the Broken Pieces Back Together

Do you ever feel like some experience, situation or life itself is broken and the pieces are laying on the floor in front of you?

Do you wonder what to do with the broken pieces?

Daily Shake Up No. 760 is a reminder that we all experience experiences and situations where the pieces end up broken on the floor, but we can put them back together. First, we don’t want to just stare at the pieces – this is living in the past and only serves to hold us back. Second, they may not be put back together in the same way, and you might not want to pick up all the pieces. You may want or need to leave some pieces behind. Third, when the pieces are put back together differently it’s likely that the new is even better than the old. Much like the ancient Japanese art form called kintsugi – putting vases back together with gold – which has also been called the art of sacred scars.

If things seem broken to you, it’s okay – just pick up the pieces you want and put them back together in a new way. This is the definition of transformation!

#SnowGlobeLeadership #NischwitzGroup #SnowGlobeLiving #Leadership #Kintsugi #Transformation


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