D2R Unique Items – Stormeye (War Scepter)

Hello Guys and Gals Today I am going to go over the Unique Item Stormeye (War Scepter) …


8 thoughts on “D2R Unique Items – Stormeye (War Scepter)”

  1. They need to do something about those useless unique items.This game,as good as it has been for last 20 years,needs a major rework.Im tired of the same cookie cutter build we have seen for so many years…its almost sad.I dont even play the game anymore at this point,Im hoping d4 will deliver but I have low expectations.

  2. It's not a terrible weapon to use for a holy shockadin playing through the game. Most of the damage isn't physical anyway, and it has good attack speed. The exceptional does add a bit which can make it more worthwhile for LL. At lvl 30 you won't have a lot of good options besides maybe a strength or honor – but if you find this you won't have to look for the runes and bases.

  3. one of the biggest glaring issues in d2 is that this item, as well as most unique items in this position, completely get outclassed by spirit sword. spirit is way too easy to get, its better, and lower level as well. same issue with spirit shield and offhands


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