D-Day in Colour | June 6th 1944 – The Light of Dawn | Free Documentary History

June 6th 1944 – The Light of Dawn | Full Series | D-Day Documentary

Watch ‘Einsatzgruppen: The Nazi Death Squads’ here: https://youtu.be/LS4-fx5H6gQ

Part 1 – 00:00:00
Part 2 – 00:49:31

This documentary, made entirely with remastered and colourised archive footage, traces Operation Overlord from its genesis to the Battle of Normandy. The film depicts the epic story of one of the greatest military operations ever conceived by man, from the summer of 1941 – when Churchill and Roosevelt first discussed the issue – to the touch down on 6 June 1944. It sets out Hitler’s strategy for preventing and countering the landings.

Beyond the military strategies that will be evoked, it will also be a question of recounting this crucial turning point of the Second World War from a geopolitical angle (the difficult alliance between London, Moscow and Washington) as well as from an economic angle (the preparations were far from easy). Without forgetting the anonymous combatants who paid a heavy price…


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36 thoughts on “D-Day in Colour | June 6th 1944 – The Light of Dawn | Free Documentary History”

  1. This documentary, made entirely with remastered and colourised archive footage, traces Operation Overlord from its genesis to the Battle of Normandy. The film depicts the epic story of one of the greatest military operations ever conceived by man, from the summer of 1941 – when Churchill and Roosevelt first discussed the issue – to the landings on June 6th, 1944.

  2. This should be teach at schools, my education system failed me here in the Philippines it never thought me about WW2 let alone this biggest single event that turned the tide of the war.. From elementary to college back in mid 90s to early 2000s not a single chapter or lesson about WW2 is ever mentioned I have to learned that event from movies and documentary such as this one..

  3. “DADDY, I REMEMBER WHAT YOU DID ON JUNE 6,1944”. You were one of only 5 of your squad to survive when you flew your glider on D-DAY! You are gone now, but NEVER forgotten! Prayers for all the brave men and women who fought for our freedom—-THANK YOU!

  4. Churchill had the hammer, Roosevelt provided the nails. Long story short, large groups of people don't typically travel by boat to take care of business. I'm proud and grateful we did with integrity. 🫡

  5. My dad was the second wave in on Omaha. Once the beach was secured etc. he was reassign to the 3rd. Army 3rd. Armored Division back as a tank driver under Patton.


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