Cybertruck Official Test? | Tesla Time News 377

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Swedish Strike Now Blocks Tesla Plates – 2:48
FSD v12 Starts Rolling Out – 5:43
Front Camera Washer Button – 6:40
Do You Want To Build a Roadster? – 8:04
New Supercharger Congestion Fee – 9:43
Tesla’s New Paid Ad on Youtube – 12:44
Tesla Offering 6 Months of Free Supercharging – 14:29
Cybertruck Roundup – 15:56
Daolar 16A 3.5kw J1772 Portable EV Charger – 19:43
Cool Down – 20:35
3 New Nissan EVs & Another EV Factory – 21:31
Neuralink PRIME Study – 24:15
Boring Company in LV Update – 26:29
BYD YangWang U8 Boat & U-Turn Modes – 27:29
Callum Skye – 30:39
EV vs ICE Car Fires – 32:01
Tesla Jigsaw – 34:43
Refreshed Model 3 Active Hood – 37:10
Ellie in Space – 38:28


39 thoughts on “Cybertruck Official Test? | Tesla Time News 377”

  1. Go to to buy tickets for the Climate XChange 8th Annual EV Raffle and get your chance to build your dream electric car up to $176,320 total value!

    Swedish Strike Now Blocks Tesla Plates – 2:48

    FSD v12 Starts Rolling Out – 5:43

    Front Camera Washer Button – 6:40

    Do You Want To Build a Roadster? – 8:04

    New Supercharger Congestion Fee – 9:43

    Tesla’s New Paid Ad on Youtube – 12:44

    Tesla Offering 6 Months of Free Supercharging – 14:29

    Cybertruck Roundup – 15:56

    Daolar 16A 3.5kw J1772 Portable EV Charger – 19:43

    Cool Down – 20:35

    3 New Nissan EVs & Another EV Factory – 21:31

    Neuralink PRIME Study – 24:15

    Boring Company in LV Update – 26:29

    BYD YangWang U8 Boat & U-Turn Modes – 27:29

    Callum Skye – 30:39

    EV vs ICE Car Fires – 32:01

    Tesla Jigsaw – 34:43

    Refreshed Model 3 Active Hood – 37:10

    Ellie in Space – 38:28

  2. NOT! make Deals with Criminals! and thats, what these blackmailing Unions are! Sue them, the Government, Post Nord, everybody, and make them pay HIGH Fines, via EU! Disgusting they are!

  3. Does anyone know how to get a factory tour in Gigafactory Shanghai? I am currently doing an exchange semester in China but i couldn't find a way to visit the factory yet. Looking forward to your help 🙂

  4. Sydney now has about 60 miles of undérground road tunnels, including complete underground interchanges.

    As soon as one tunnel is done the boring machines get moved to the next one.

    This has been going on for about forty years. With all the roadworks out of sight out of mind there is little controversy and relatively few surface motorways.

    . However, if you are not used to it and rely on land marks for navigation you are stuffed. Fortunately, gps still works down ther, it is kind of creepy.

  5. Support those Swedish strikers. Solidarity from Canada. If you let companies take away bargaining even just a little bit it leads to the erosion of collective bargaining power. Never shill for corporations folks, sadly Americans won’t understand because the education system is terrible down there and media is owned by the rich.

  6. You should change your names to "Tesla Cult Zombies". Complete shills pumping the stock scam for years. Pathetic. And now you can add union busters to your antisocial cult nonsense babble agenda.

  7. Im in New jersey with the model X long range; and its 44 cents per kilowatt hour here. I charge about 45 minutes every 2 days. This costs about 216.00 per month .That free supercharging can get expensive 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️

  8. Wouldn't it be interesting if Elon is playing a BIG joke on us with the Cybertruck specs. The posters in the showrooms could be fake and the real specs could still apply. A truck that can haul 3,500 pounds can also haul 2,500 pounds. A truck that can tow 13,000 pounds can also tow 11,000 pounds. The posters could be switched out when the real specs are revealed. Also, the percent battery could be "fake". We know that for repaired Teslas, bigger batteries than the original were installed and software limited to what the car was sold with. They could have artificially limited what the Cybertruck sees as the battery capacity and it might actually have more size (range) than was calculated from those screenshots.

  9. The Swedes take their right to be in a union very seriously. Workers thinking that Tesla is the best company they've worked for is not relevant as the companies in Sweden really look after their staff, its an attitude that should be admired. If Elon doesn't like the way the country works because of his right wing views, then he needs to calm down and embrace the more humanist vibe.
    Great show guys

  10. The worker's union in Sweden have every right to collaborate together in "collective agreements", just like employers collaborate at the Chambers of Commerce. Divide and rule is the usual gig for capitalists. Tesla does not own the workshops that repair their cars. The workers involved are not Tesla employees.

  11. BEST DEMAND LEVER OUTSIDE slashed prices: OFFER 15 Year loan terms on a Tesla EV : ) Perfect now in the COMING recession. A Tesla would then, for many, enable them to SAVE a lot on both costs and reduce monthly car/EV payments relative to the now average of $727.00/month.

  12. Predicting the price is never a business of content providers. Let Tesla come out with the price when it comes. And don't say 'I am close' thereafter and pat yourself on the back you're adding value to your content? This subject matter does not create value to your content. Who are you trying to please?

  13. Watching the live stream and you guys were pondering the cost of the truck. How much do you think it'll cost when Tesla shops get unionized? 🙂 Or because he needs to drive up the cost to cover his debts on Xitter?

  14. Great show, even by your normal standards, which is generally great. Are you waiting for a but? Ok, here it is: Repurposing wind turbine blades. As the President of Recycle Hawaii, I do a lot of research into the plastic crisis. Microplastics have permeated every organ in your body and in the bodies of every animal on Earth. The entire planet is shrouded in a fog of petrochemical compounds. Where do they come from? Well, mostly the ocean, as sun, salt and wave action breakdown ocean plastics, the wind whips it high into the atmosphere. But the next biggest distribution point is exterior polymers, everything from the paint on your house and car to park benches, astroturf and on and on and on. You may not realize this, but the reason these turbine blades are decommissioned is because they're degraded and that means microplastics. It's bad enough that wind turbines are perpetually distributing microplastics into the atmosphere while functioning, but now they will be generating toxic petrochemical polymers in perpetuity. One more reason why I push for solar instead of wind. At Recycle Hawaii, we urge the private and public sector to limit plastic use as much as possible, and even more so for exterior uses. I know, it's so great, because it's waterproof, but if you read the latest scientific study from URI, it clearly shows that these chemicals are deeply imbedded in our brains and adding to an ever growing list of terrifying maladies. It's now been shown to cause dementia and Alzheimers. The truth is, recycling plastic is bad, chemical recycling of plastic is bad, incineration of plastic is bad, pyrolysis of plastic is bad, making plastic is bad, using plastic is bad. And Al Gore thought burning fossil fuels was an inconvenient truth, making plastic is an even more inconvenient truth and to be clear, it's a lot worse than an inconvenience, it's an unmitigated disaster of unparalleled proportions. The climate crisis, the plastic crisis, habitat loss… This is not good my friends, not good.

  15. For those scratching their head and wondering why the Swedish Unions are behaving this way:

    Tesla not signing an agreement would potentially set off a domino effect which would topple the entire Swedish model, requiring new laws to be drafted that protect workers rights – just like the rest of Europe.

    In Sweden worker rights are protected via the collective agreements – NOT by law. This leads to a more flexible model and allows companies to renegotiate terms as they become necessary – for instance, removing the mandated lunch break after 4 hours for a few workers that only work for 5 hours. If this was codified in law, this would be illegal, but for this specific use case it would be better if the worker can go home directly. Laws also tend to be a whole lot harder to change.

    If we were to go and make this into a law – and we have to, unless we get most publicly traded companies to sign collective agreements – we would lose all that flexibility. Noone in Sweden wants that. This is why this is such a big deal for us.

    For the swedish workers, though, we would lower our pension age, increase minimum wage and a lower maximum shift limit. So for the workers it would be awesome – after 5-10 years of political turmoil and the event would harm the Swedish economy about as much as Brexit has harmed the UK economy. Potentially even worse.


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