Custom Ships in No Man's Sky!?

The Orbital update just changed the game.

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28 thoughts on “Custom Ships in No Man's Sky!?”

  1. Still waiting for the update to drop on Xbox so I can try it, but I'm excited.
    I think I had a zebra cake about a year ago.
    My record for chin-ups in a row is 16.
    A woodchuck would chuck all that it could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

  2. A few features also to mention
    – Economy scanner can detect new "Trade surges" which "time-limited events present high-profit opportunities for enterprising traders, revealing which trade commodities are currently scarce and in high demand."
    – Improved guild rewards
    – Space station venders overhaul/refresh
    Great video tho!

  3. good update, glad we can finally customize ships.
    what is a zebra cake?
    i can do 20 chin ups in a row.
    woodchucks can chuck wood, just go find one and watch it chuck

  4. Even though this update is what a lot of people have been hoping for, I still don't see any real reason to make my own ship. I have a collection of living ships, sentinel ships and one of each kind of exotic ship. My fleet is full, and I would have to get rid of one of my living or sentinel ships to get a much more basic Explorer, Fighter or Hauler ship. I got rid of those kinds of ships a while ago and I don't really care to go back to them. I understand the desire for customization, especially with the color, but there's one final reason that I really don't care to exchange my ships for these custom ones. Ships you built yourself are automatically less impressive than those that you purchased whole or salvaged, because they come with an Authenticated Starship Seal. At least, I assume people will be less impressed if it doesn't have the seal. I personally would respect someone for putting the time and effort into it, but they'd still have to choose from the three basic types of starship.

  5. I imagine and hope they expand and polish the ship creation/customisation in the future. Small things I dont like about it are that you cant preview parts you dont have, for some reason we dont have the colour black which was shown in the trailer. Maybe we will get that in a future patch.

    Also this one ship I made had a red decal on it that actually looked really nice so I made my ship match it. I then reloaded my save and the decal changed to orange which now looks really ugly as it dosnt match the rest of my ship.

    But oh man this update is a dream come true.

  6. I went to a Pirate system and the first mission had a S class engine as a reward. So i guess they have a higher chance for them if you want to find them idk.

  7. This was a genius move on the part of HelloGames. They wanted to cater to the community, but didnt want to remove the exploration of looking for that perfect ship.

    So, a great compromise. You can build your own ships from scratch, each having custom parts for you to add. BUT you also need to go out and get those parts. Do you want the perfect ship? You've still got to earn it, buster.

    I'm also very optimistic about them not monetising this feature in the future, and I am looking forward to how modders will take this feature and run with it.

  8. NMS is like a bright beacon in the darkness of over-monetization games with paid dlc and microtransactions. The new stuff they keep churning out for free again and again boggles my mind… When I bought NMS on day 1, and then kinda had seen everything it had to offer after a month or so, I thought that was probably it. Boy, was I wrong. It never stops! I wonder how long they are going to keep this up?


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