Custom Peterbilt's almost ready for 75 Chrome Shop Show.
We are scrambling to get ready for the 75 Chrome Shop truck show! Gonna be an amazing weekend with some pretty awesome iron in the lot…..But we have a lot to still do before we can leave.

looking for a new or used truck?


38 thoughts on “Custom Peterbilt's almost ready for 75 Chrome Shop Show.”

  1. Do you also do interior work? And if I give you my email, will you send me an email to confirm it works? I have a lot of questions to ask and don’t think YouTube commenting is the best way to ask ‘em 😊. I’m also so jealous of these trucks. I can’t wait until mine looks like these

  2. Some times kids born into a successful family just ride the wave and do nothing. Luke is going places and will help take the family business into the future. You can just see the passion. Fred has the same passion and drive, unfortunately the good Lord chose to put some hurdles ahead of him. Will only make Fred stronger. Such a good family and Bill is raising men, not boys!

  3. I beam, motor wheels, two winches so can adjust for level.. custom controller so the forward reverse thingy for each winch are side by side so both can be pushed or pulled at same it can be done, diy.. haha


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