Curiosity captured this image on Mars@Science Dawn

#shorts #mars#nasa
The video contains amazing pictures captured on various Mars missions


Pictures and video credit:


NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell/Arizona State Univ.
@NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

#mars perseverance rover
#ingenuityhelicopter#mars planet#mangalgrah #perseverance news#curiosityrover#ingenuity#marte#मंगल


35 thoughts on “Curiosity captured this image on Mars@Science Dawn”

  1. I'd love to move to Mars and be like the president or some shit there. Start my own little city and all. I do go by King David. All I need is for someone to buy me the ticket to fly there lol and I'm gone. $KingDavid4u thanks.

  2. I was anticipating a quick zoom in to a scary face and jump scare but instead I got beautiful images from one of the most advanced piece of equipment our species has created from another planet. 👍👍A+ would watch again

  3. Was their a volcano at this location before that erupted, because it’s crazy how that whole area is just perfectly scattered with rocks like it’s a sandy beach and it’s got big rocks tiny rocks, or are used to be an area that water, as in there used to be probably underground lake possibly before the world start experiencing horrible drought


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