CUMMIN' SUUN theDeadCityWanderers New Album 'EXPERIMENTALLY ILL in the U.S.Asylum' tracks cmng soon

New Album:
Due to the Unreliability and Unpredictable nature of SD cards, Backups, Drives, Clouds, Android Storage space, Electronics in general, and Myself, I unfortunately-maybe?-
won’t be able to release this compilation of tracks all at once, but here and there as i am able to.
Also a couple, or a few, maybe most of the videos won’t be much more than an audio track along with one still frame cover art for the entire video. This is solely because of the malfunction of a 128 gigabyte card on the main device where i create my videos, from recording the audio, video, editing audio and video, and storing audio and video. Everything had become undetectable, unusable, and irretrievable, even from a photo cloud which was supposed to have backed everything up to a cloud. I do not yet understand what happened and why, and the customer service goon on the phone said nothing that i hadn’t already checked and thought of myself, and as i had assumed, these ‘know-it-alls’ tend to resort to blaming the consumer as to the one that somehow failed to correctly operate the device or product in question, because it’s so very highly unlikely that the tech Giant that owns them simply by providing their wages, and is also constantly surveiling them and us, and was listening in on our phone call, could have possibly had a bug or been at fault. Though i am just being difficult. who knows, i could have done something to my device the night before, as the problem did not exist until i came to the next morning. Either way, it does not matter much to me now either. For as you may know by now, i do not believe in accidents or mistakes. So for whatever the reason, things did not go as planned, which is nothing but a glaring reminder to me, why i plan nothing. For, “men plan, God Laughs.” I have hopes for some precious things, yes. But no expectations, no plans, no certainties, and if i could just stamp out my Desires for things, well….. that’s neither here nor there, i won’t even entertain that thought, then my desire to have no desires becomes a great desire and….. I think it best i just go back to creating things now, that way i am as close to emptying myself of excessive thought and the mundane, unnecessary and even dangerous desires i normally have when not fully immersed in creativity. The mind, and the body…it wants all sorts of things. I will resist until – wait, no, i won’t make any claims, statements, or declarations either….it will be taken as a challenge and i will immediately be put to the test. This…..’Process’ All is going through has become quite intense and in rapid fire succession. Godspeed to you All. Especially those here with me in the United State Asylum being Psychologically and Physiologically, Mentally and Spirituality, and Metaphysically Experimented on. Just keep in mind, All is Mind. And Despite what it SEEMS …. you’re gonna be just fine. That, i am certain of. Nite nite. keep yer manhole cover on tite. -Love, Levon Blue💙 TheBrokenHeartedBoy


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