Cult Horror Tv Shows You Must See

Horror fans. 11:30 PM. Spring 2021. Reminiscing on Twin Peaks. Binge watching again. Something new strikes me every time, …


17 thoughts on “Cult Horror Tv Shows You Must See”

  1. TP was wild, weird and oh so beautiful. I'm so happy I was there to see it the first time.

    Edit… I owned Laura's diary, agent Cooper's book and Cooper's audio tapes. Played that until the tape broke.

  2. The absolute best Masters of Horror episode was the first episode. Incident on a Moutain Road (something like that). Directed by Phantasm & Beastmaster helmer Don Coscarelli. It's a well plotted, solid script that really delivers and Coscarelli's direction is pitch perfect. Great stuff.

  3. Okay, I have to share my totally insane TP story. It was late at night in LV and it was towards the end of March. I know this because since March 21st,when I had been beaten and robbed, my TP friend Kyle said he would be giving me rides to the store from now on if it was after dark. I had two staples in my skull and a broken nose but I was pretty healed by this time. Kyle offers to drive me to Vons grocery on Maryland Parkway and Katie roughly. I lived in the condos on Katie and the store was across the street but I digress. Kyle and I are walking through, I'm ahead of him trying to hurry and get my 12 pack of caffeine and he yells for me, yanks me by the neck of my sweater(which was exactly what the robber did) and if it wasnt for what happened next, I would have decked him for grabbing me like that but he turns me around and walks me 2 aisles over and its Michael fucking Anderson himself, the little man from another place. I honestly thought I'd had a stroke or Kyle gave me shrooms or something. Kyle is 6'3 and kind of Shrek-ish but he says "excuse me Mr. Anderson, were really big fans of your work and we just wanted to let you know"
    "Really? Which is your favorite?"
    At the time I think Michael was in Carnivale? but of course Kyle says " Oh were BIG Twin Peaks fans"
    And he did the damn dance in front of me and i squeeled something girlish and then….Michael asks my tall friend if he could grab him that off the top shelf as he cant reach it…TP.
    I was also honored to be in a room at CineVegas with David Lynch and Dennis Hopper before a special showing of Blue Velvet. There was a Q and A before the film and when David was asked his first question he simply answered "No." And it was like the air went electric with one damn word. Then as they were leaving, a guy in front of us said he was going to dump his nacho cheese sauce in David's hair. Looked him dead in the eye and said "I will break you if you even move a muscle" then I realized he was part of the group that drove with us so if he wanted to get home, he knew better. I love Lynch and everything he does that somehow brings people together, with sounds and smells and memories.
    Anyway, my dumbass did not get a picture or autograph 😂


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