Cryptid Hunter Chronicles: Guest Interview with Experienced Bigfoot Researcher Chuck Schlabs

Hi folks! Happy New Year and welcome back to the Monster 911 Podcast. Today we have special guest, Chuck Schlabs, and what a great show it is.

Chuck discusses some of his experience with cryptid investigations and expeditions, this is one you donโ€™t want to miss!

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And remember, if youโ€™ve witnessed or experienced something that you couldnโ€™t explain, that walked on two legs, four legs or even moreโ€ฆ please call our toll free number: 1-866-306-8085 or get in touch via the website.

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(00:00:00) Monster 911 Intro

(00:00:24) Lanceโ€™s Episode Intro

(00:09:22) Interview

#dogman #bigfoot #paranormalpodcast #monster911 #bigfootresearcher


46 thoughts on “Cryptid Hunter Chronicles: Guest Interview with Experienced Bigfoot Researcher Chuck Schlabs”

  1. @Monster 911
    Hey Lance,
    A bit late in the comments
    So You might not see this
    But if you do it will help you alot..

    Theres Nothing Paranormal going on
    with your camera equipment..
    I can tell you right now
    by what you and your buddy described
    Its just your Normal Basic Cameras
    Especially all the Go-Pros and that
    Just Forget it..
    Not only those but any normal IR Camera
    Wouldn't be able to perform how it should
    Exactly how you want it out there
    The're just not built for that
    They're only good for basic normal situations
    They are not meant for professional
    night capture or investigations..
    Unless you Invest in a High End IR
    Then you will always get these issues

    It's basically the chip inside
    That's what your're paying for
    Just like when buying a computer
    Or a laptop or anything like that..
    it's the Electronic parts inside
    that makes it perform better or not

    Things to consider like the Resolution?
    The Brightness Technology it uses?
    The Lens and How clear the Image is?
    If its 4k or HD or Not?
    If it works on Pure Pitch Black Darkness?
    Or it needs moonlight background?
    and what it does or does not allow for?
    Functionality and User Interface (UI)
    There's limitations in different models

    There's alot to consider here

    You can't just go out and get
    anything that says IR on it
    It doesn't work that way…
    You need to do some reseach before buying
    Spend the money once
    And get something good quality
    that will last you and something that
    will perform and do its job properly
    out there in the field
    That is Reliable Authentic Dependable
    than just getting a simple cheaper one
    that Fails when you needed the most
    and end up missing out on important evidence

    So What you basically Need to do is:
    Get a High End IR Camera
    We talking bout you need to spend
    at least a grand on it
    Prices differ depending on the model
    And if you want just a Normal B&W IR
    or a COLOR IR?
    But its Worth Every Penny..
    You Only get what you pay for
    So it depends how much you value
    Your hard work and effort out there?

    I have many cameras and equipment
    I been doing this for a while

    But if you want an even better way
    Don't just rely on the camera equipment alone..
    Also get yourself an IR FLASHLIGHT
    Preferably one that throws far distance
    Which will help your camera
    to see even further in the distance
    How that works is
    it looks like just any normal Flashlight
    But it produces and emits
    an Infra Red Light instead
    that only a camera lens can pick up
    when you look through it
    Meaning you won't be able to see it
    With your naked eye when it's on
    but your camera lens can
    You be able to see the Beam
    Just like you would any Torch/Flashlight
    Whether it be Flood or a Thrower
    or a Combination Beam
    Whatever that is able to illuminate
    You can film and record
    or capture images clearly

    Also if you can combine that with
    An IR SCOPE also
    That would make your camera or scope
    Be able to see anything and everything
    close or far away
    further and longer distance
    with no issues at all

    Trust me on that,
    Once you try this method
    You wouldn't wanna go back
    to using anything else

    There's many IR FLASHLIGHTS brands
    You can also get em from Aliexpress
    Very competitive prices
    and top quality brand products too

    Something to consider
    It will make your Job and Life easier
    and more convenient believe me๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  2. They do fool in tracking. There is a sources of Bigfoot that has the baboon snout or bear mug. These eat Bigfoot. They have all flesh tearing teeth and talons no nails. If you meet one without 450/50 cal. Or 12 gage slugs you are lunch. These things are rare but extremely dangerous. They whistle a lot Hunt in threes. Never whistle in the woods you will bring them to you. Head shots only.

  3. I have believed these cryptids are spiritually evil. I've had a few experiences in my life… as a child and two as an adult and the " vibes" I got was scary and evil. I sensed the evil before I even seen it!

  4. Wasn't it on chucks channel that he told the story about the hunter target shooting in a gravel pit found balled up under the dashboard of his pickup…bones all turned into meal!? Supposedly he shot at one and wounded it…but he didn't think about the other sasquatch nearby…who took offense to him shooting thier bro..I guess the truck was showing signs of a struggle.,blood and dents..these beings are not the fluffy bunny with the cute tails…lol

  5. I'll tell you Lance back in I'd say, 2017 looking on this u tube for pic,s of UFOs and trying to see a pic of what I'd seen behind my place. I came across your Cryptid channel. I listened, then things started to come back to me when I hunted Manistee National forest in Mich, things became very clear at 22 through 26 years old. Back then I didn't even put the picture together, I'm kind of like your bud Dave you know balls to the wall kind of since I've taken in a lot and never even told my times back in the big Northern woods of my home state. Since I've heard so many encounters from that area of mich on different podcast. I've also had locals from this area comment to me, lots of Bears there!!! I'd love to talk to you about my bow hunting times back in my early 20,s. There crazy thing is after what I seen, I had 2 dnr guys pull us over and I knew things were not right. Like these guys are not dnr!!!! The whole encounter with them was like straight out of the twilight zone. They wanted us out of there the crazy thing was one looked like he just went to the store for a 6 pak and a pak of Smokes. He looked like a biker, the other that stayed in the vehicle looked to be an office white collar guy. He never came out of his vehicle. I'm telling you I think I was the only person in the vw bug that thought things were really off. They kept telling us spot lighting is almost over to head back to camp it was like 8.30 shinning ended like 11.30. My mind keeps going over that night.๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

  6. Lance, my wife & I plan on coming to OK over the next month or so. We would love to meet you, perhaps buy you dinner or a simple cup of coffee. We are subscribed and have watched all of the content on your YT channel. Good luck & planning has given us an opportunity to take a break & drive around the USA, visit places we've never seen- except through pictures- and, perhaps meet some of the content creators that we value.
    * Sasquatch Theory YT (Miguel) DOES video location footage and it is NOT our favorite work. We quite enjoy his channel, find him to be entirely credible, his honesty & transparency is obvious- the body of work is impressive. Anywho, it is not enjoyable to watch and wait for very little while listening to mouth breathers wait…

  7. I really like personal encounter stories.
    Even second hand ones .
    I like hearing you Lance tell stories as well.
    If someone doesn't want to show thier face
    It's OK, just hearing it from them is good too.
    Years ago when you started your show,
    The sound quality was very poor on the guest end it was
    Hard to listen to
    Wish you could maybe redo Some older shows too.
    As far as filming in the field, you could keep a separate category of investigation and camp out in the field shows.
    For one I'm usually too busy to sit and watch but I listen with blue tooth so I really learn and enjoy playing your interviews over again.
    It would be fascinating to witness an active area

  8. I just cringed when this guest talked about sending all those requests to various government agency. Oh boy. Wasn't a surprise that his phone was tapped and that he had first time issues with the IRS. It's unfortunate that we cant trust our government but these agencies probably couldnt believe what fell in their laps. Cryptid 101 should be to never contact any law enforcement or government entity. They want us to tell them while they tell us nothing. Poor guy had good intentions. What continues to amaze me is that ive listened to umpteen different videos and encounters and these encounters happen in remote locations, out in the country, national parks, in the mountains etc but ive had 2 very close family members who had seperate encounters with a dogman before i even knew these things existed and this happened in a crowded suburban neighborhood. Nothing about this area would even hint of a cryptid. I also would love to see you do a documentary investigation.

  9. I resonate with your sincerity and that of your guests. I would love to see some field work so we can see the environment you are discussing. I really appreciate all of your hard work to put this info out there. Also, I am very intrigued in the spiritual element. It must be related. Specifically the Dogman.

  10. We have them a-plenty here in Arkansas, but very few people will ever see one. I recently was in one of our big box stores here in the Rogers area that has the initials WM, and I was wearing a T-shirt that says on the back 'BIGFOOT SAW ME BUT NOBODY BELIEVES HIM'. A middle-age couple in the same aisle I was in got my attention and told me they had seen bigfoot on two different occasions at a campground near Busch Arkansas. That's on US-62 about halfway between Rogers and Eureka Springs, and very near the Beaver Lake dam. I live about 30 minutes from that little township.

  11. Another place where bigfoot is often seen in Oklahoma is around the town of Talihina. I know the pastor of a church there who verified that when I asked him. He was quite serious. Talihina is in southeastern OK in the Kiamichi mountains. It's in the Choctaw reservation.

  12. Loving this show so much. Lance we care and love you to much to go out into these woods and camp and video things at night. Anything could happen to you.if you do run into anything evil and wicked, please use HIS HOLY NAME JESUS CHRIST AND HIS HOLY LIVING BLOOD. THEY WON'T BOTHER YOU AT ALL. PLEASE BELIEVE ME I USE IT AGAINST A VERY WICKED DOGMAN.JESUS CHRIST NAME WILL PROTECT YOU. USE THE POWERS AND AUTHORITY THAT HE HAS GIVEN UNTO US.HE SAID THAT ON HARM IN ANY MEANS WILL HURT US. LIKE I ALWAYS THESE evil wicked cryptics FEAR THE HOLY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, MORE THAN WE WILL EVER FEAR THEM.

  13. Sounds like Oklahoma has alot of creatures, I've always thought they probably followed on the trail of tears.And you know the Bigfoot took note of how the white man treated native Americans .possibly one reason they shy away from us .they say if they treated them like that, imagine what they would do to us ,as different as we are.10-4.yall stay safe. Stay inside at night, I reckon.

  14. Umm my name is Maury. I'm so glad I just watched this interview. I did Vics show about my encounter #418. Dude you just sent chills all over when you made that owl sound. I've never mention this to anyone in the community because I thought I'd get laughed at. But I heard that exact sound while in the jacuzzi down on my family's property here in ga. The jacuzzi is one of the places I'd pray and meditate because of the privacy. It was coming from the woods directly behind the house. It was weird because it gave me that exact same feeling when I saw the dogman. I jumped out the jacuzzi and calmly went back in the house. This was around 12:30a.m. Here's what was very weird about it. After I heard the first initial sound just like the one you just made. About 3 seconds later I heard it again but this time it sounds like it was a organized group all doing at the same time. I remember saying to myself, ain't no way. And politely went back inside. I went to bed that night asking myself are these things following me. You just made the exact same sound……identical to the T. This shitvis getting crazier and crazier. Question for you? Are these things known to follow people that encountered. 2nd question: what's going on when they are making the owl noise, what does that mean? And is that noise from dogman or bigfoot? I can't imagine that it was bigfoot when I heard those sounds because my encounter was with a dogman. Please reach back out. I'm talking serious business, Im not here to play games. It's hard living with this knowing that these things exist. I'm just as curious as anybody else that has had the encounter and knows the truth.

  15. I like this show but that explanation about the footprints and how it backtracked on it's original footprints…I dunno man ๐Ÿค” I don't doubt that can and does happen. But what about the people who trace both ends back to nothing and there are no trees around? I just don't think that the backtracking explains ALL of the cases of "disappearing tracks". I could be dead wrong though so ๐Ÿคท


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