Crusader Kings 3: Game of Thrones | House of the Dragon #3

House Targaryen’s tale (messed up by Crusader Kings shenanigans) starting from the War of the Usurper with Rhaegar as he fights against Robert Baratheon and going beyond; ruling Westeros as the House of the Dragon through the good and the bad, rebellions and peace and family dramas…

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#GameofThrones #CrusaderKings #HouseoftheDragon

Check out A Game of Thrones CK3 right now via these links…
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Timestamps!!! 😀
0:00 Introduction
0:09 Inclusivity
0:43 Cruel Gods
1:34 Unfaithful
2:05 The Rebellion
5:07 Burn Them All
6:20 Aethan’s Revenge
12:47 The Impaler
14:18 War’s Aftermath
16:07 Defiance of Darry
17:04 A King of Grief
20:11 Young Dragon
21:35 Rebel Scum


15 thoughts on “Crusader Kings 3: Game of Thrones | House of the Dragon #3”

  1. I think the agot mod "Game of thrones Font" mod is a nice to have. I was half hoping for Dance of Dragon's 1.5 without the Dragons but a war over which Daughter should be Queen😂.

  2. A WOMAN in the kingsguard? What would Otto Hightower say…

    Edit: what the hell is this civil war? Rhaenyra!?!

    Edit: Denys Blackberry, the man who cucked the King, convinced half the realm to rebell against him, lost, and still didn't face the consequences

    What a lad

  3. What an exciting episode! It seems that the Targaryen dynasty is simply fated to water the soil of Westeros liberally with the blood of traitors and their vassal houses. First one mad king threatens to burn his nobles alive and now another driven by grief and betrayal becomes the most feared Impaler in Westerosi history, he honestly may be considered more dreadful than Maegor "the cruel".

    Although I do have to agree it's kind of silly that the game wont allow you to justly imprison someone attempting to enter your spouses chambers.

  4. Thank you for another video, to be honest, i learn more about this mod mechanic by watching your video more than asking in discord. People in discord never answer my question, once again thank you


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