Critters – Bat-May

In the commentary track for “Critters” the production team all admit that this is one of the most reviled Batman episodes they ever made from a fan perspective, but they really like it because how goofy it is among other reasons. Where does Walter stand on this one? Find out now as he continues his deep dive into The New Batman Adventures.

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“Critters” is the second episode of the second season of The New Batman Adventures.

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41 thoughts on “Critters – Bat-May”

  1. For me at least, this episode didn't necessarily bother me but I will say that having episode try way too hard to be like the Adam West show was definitely the wrong decision.

  2. I love this episode. Farmer brown is a very fun villain for me. I like how this is one of the few stories where Batman gets to fight actual monsters. I also love the talking goat! Definitely not the worst episode! I would take this episode over the Terrible trio, any time!

  3. Interesting that Walter said that if the Adam West version of Batman was his introduction to Batman, then he wouldn't be a fan of it now. The Adam West was my first introduction to Batman, and I have been a fan ever since. Yeah, the show was goofy and seemed more in line with kids. But I always like how Batman was able to get out of just about any situation Because he was very quick on his feet and used his head, alot. But with the '89 version of Batman (which I saw in theaters, when I was 8 years old) reintroduced me to Batman, in a way. I'm not sure why my parents took us to watch the '89 version of Batman, to be honest. But I am glad they did. Just the feeling of watching that version of the movie, in the big screen, was just so epic and is hard to explain that feeling I had.

  4. Critters had the right idea with mutated farmer animals but the execution was terrible which is shame because i actullay loved the design of Farmer Brown and he had that creepy retro western farmer look. For me, this was by far the single worst episode of the entire TNBA run. Its no surprise why we never saw him again in the DCAU

  5. Thinking about it, I'm wondering what would've happened if instead of Farmer Brown being the only villain, Poison Ivy was involved.

    Best scenarios that I can think of is that either A.) Brown and Ivy are partners or B.) They are rivals and are fighting each other with Gotham becoming their battle field.

    Wouldn't put all my money saying that it would've made it better, but might have made it more interesting.

  6. Critters may have worked IF it was a Superman Animated Series instead of a Batman one.

    Farmer Brown's mutated Mammal caused a ruckus in Matropolis and the court ordered a cease and desists.
    Luther caught wind on and cut corners into funding Brown's research
    The muntated animals get exposed to Kryptonite causeing them to go on a rampage in Matropolis

  7. This episode's saving grace? His daughter was hot.

    Also, to be frank, this could've worked better as a STAS episode. Play up some of Brown's ideas for creating extra large livestock to feed the needy so to speak, have a debate between him and Superman. I mean shit, yeah, you'd have all the vegetarians and PETA enthusiasts (fuck PETA, actually look into the things they do to animals you hypocrites) at your throat for just the idea, but realistically, if we could do this in RL, we likely would've solved world hunger. It would've actually been pretty funny if you had a bunch of cricket eating protesters.

  8. Yeah… I find him very forgetable. Even looking at his page back in the day I was always like "Who the F is Farmer Brown?" The show has had some great one off villains that I wish we'd gotten to see more of but Farmer Brown isn't one of them.

  9. I know Poison Ivy's shtick is plants and ecoterrorism, but they easily could have given this plot to her. During the years when Batman was neutered and goofy, this would have been a common plot. Hell, if the Adam West show had the budget, I'm sure we would have seen an episode like this!

  10. So this episode falls into a category is call WS (wrong show). Where a concept, character, or theme is enjoyable but was put in the wrong show for it. Like if Farmer Brown ended up in an episode of Superman, teen titans, or a Flash animated series you could his character and story working. Either as a former Lex Corp employee, former Central City researcher. Heck if it was used for Teen titans we could have a seen of Cyborg swearing off beef after getting beat up by a mutant cow. I enjoy this episode for what it could've been not what it currently is. Also Brown's daughter is hot so sue me. BTAS and TNBA had a lot of beautiful women, both and subtle.

  11. People just don't get this episode! It would be a standout in EVERY other Batman series! As a clever tribute to the SIlver Age comics & The Batman '66 show, it's would have fit especially well into their next cartoon, The Brave & the Bold! So the story perfectly suits Batman…
    Just not THIS Batman.

  12. Despite it being a goofy episode, it does sorta bring up the point that GMOs are vitally important to food sustainability. And given our own changing climate at the moment, GMOs are more important than ever to help curb food shortages in the coming decades. The episode went way overboard with the mutant Praying Mantis' and mutant chickens but you get the point.

  13. I think this one is over-hated. It’s a fun adventure, nothing offensive or particularly bad. The animation was good and I thought it was creative. Nothing particularly standout but I’d say it was mid not bottom of the barrel.

  14. As much as my dad likes the 60’s Batman. I remember I used to get pretty mad at him when he didn’t want to watch BTAS with me but would laugh like a giddy child with Adam west Batman. Since he loved the Keaton movies it always made me wonder why he fells asleep when I watched btas. He finally gave me a reason by saying “it’s cartoon, it’s not like i don’t like cartoons it’s just that this is like for kids”

    Y’all are rolling your eyes at that right?

    So a live action Batman that’s just as goofy and campy as peewee Herman is Mature? But btas with good writing, wgood voice acting isn’t?

  15. If Farmer Brown had been in the 60s Batman show, he would've had a completely different gimmick – exploding "pop"-corn grenades, a tractor-themed getaway vehicle, farmhand/scarecrow-themed henchmen, maybe the electrified pitchfork. Come to think of it, I want to see that version!

  16. I remember not loving this episode but not hating it. Not surprised the team loved it because i remember it being replayed a LOT. And idk why but the farmer's daughter was definately a bit of an awakening for me lol.


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