Creator Of Diablo Was Interviewed About Immortal

Original Diablo Creator Speaks Out About Immortal
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38 thoughts on “Creator Of Diablo Was Interviewed About Immortal”

  1. I Love how despite most people turning their backs on diablo immortal you still speak positively about it , people like you keep the game alive , I can't thank you enough

  2. The main reason the game is actually dead is because there's been no tought put into the game for players that joins the game now, weeks ago or even months ago, majority of players will be so far behind on all the "FOMO" mechanics the game have, especially the stuff they can't catch up on like various sources of cr increase, upgrade materials, scoria, legendary gems, normal gems, warband activity and so on. OFC it's fine for some of the things to be advantages for long time players but the fact that people are being soft locked in lower hell levels due to the 400% xp boost speaks volumes to how badly the game was considered towards new players that wished to join later on into the games release.
    Edit: Blizzard shouldn't be relying on the player base to help out these new players either, especially now that more hardcore people have been segmented into warbands or at least getting tired/done with dungeons one way or another if they aren't doing them with only warband members! The Fault that the new player experience is so bad for late joiners in DI is purely on blizzards bad design.

  3. d2r was the GREATEST THING that happened to OG D2 to extend lifespan for me to play another 20years without giving much F towards d4 or Immortal as I also play those- just not as much now

  4. With content aside, I feel, microtransactions are what eventually makes games (especially mobile) less appealing. You buy something, you expect to get what you paid for. Those who don't purchase ingame items find this to be unfair because of the play-to-win factor.

  5. I also think the moneytisation aspect is way overrated. Every PVP season now I get Legendary as a free to play player. ATM I am in the top 5 with a meager 700 Res factor that was assembled after 5 months of grinding with a free to play character. The reason for this is that DI has a very special way of PvP.
    PvP Group dynamics are very important and I like it even more than the more individual centric combat in WoW. In WoW individual skills prime in Arena and a bit less in BG’s.

    When I do PvP in WoW I always play with my son who does DPS and I am his healer. In DI I simply have fun in the crowd as a Demon Hunter, back in the field and jumping out of danger avoid getting killed 😎.

    DI is certainl better than D3 for several reasons: fluidity, mobility (playing with a controller on PC or iPad) and this fun PvP stuff.

    I am in D4 beta too but I am playing 90% of the time DI. So I am not sure at all if DI will die at all. It simply is a great mobile game with FAST fun.

  6. I'd really be annoyed if I hit my peak 20 years ago. David has to get so tired of answering questions about a game he's had nothing to do with for decades.

  7. Quit the game within a month….the monetization and the immortal gameplay killed it for me. The base game was pretty good and ran pretty smoothly. But my god this game had the greediest, shittiest micros of any game i have seen, and i played games by netmarble and kabaam.

  8. Hey this is Unlucky here again, just click on your telluric pearl then click the arrow, then crafting options when it brings up the gem master page click on a gem then click on the little eye and read what they have done to us, I didn’t realise that we would only be able to craft a 2 out of 5 star gems #RippedOff

  9. They actually worked on MMO diablo. The whole concept of diablo immortal is his work. I mean the whole shadows vs immortal etc. Blizzard for some reason stop development of this mmo diablo probably because of having wow and don't wanted product fighting for players. So the whole game is based of diablo mmo scrapped after wow released

  10. I do enjjoy all the videos DM but the game you portray does NOT exist for F2P players and this is true for most of the stuff posted by the majority of DI content creators


    simply were made to appease whales, so they could group and faceroll stuff to gain more buffs to faceroll stuff even easier,
    99% of warbands are empty or basically do not function as 99% of players are f2p or maybe invested as far as Battle pass every 4 weeks, play in a casual style and will NEVER commit to logging to play in a group at set times per day

    Legendaries…. yh drop rates are getting laughable, I play 2 hours per day and if I see more than 1 legendary a day it's rare and 99% of the time it is worse than my current gear (and my gear kind of sucks)

    Set items… yeah don't even get me started, was lucky to find a boosting group yesterday, we did 2 hours of dungeons back to back, 4 green items dropped between the group, seriously wtf

    Content tiering…
    laughable and obvious that they are trying to paywall it, (my example, I have been in H4 for about 6 weeks, due to poor drops & near zero green drops I am still sat at 4.5k CR, have risen from 4.2 to 4.5k cr in 3 weeks, even the tired argument of grabbing a boost group is bad purely due to the extremely poor set item drop rate Gold gambling not worth it even though managed to solo 240 challenge rift)

    The content tiering issue is the prime hold back mechanic because the exact moment you are able to enter or farm a tier you can already faceroll it (-250cr recommendation hit like a noodle and get 1 shot, -100cr tier recommendation smash everything in sight and take very little damage) BUT then the next tier above you will hit like a noodle and get one shot by anything again, there is NO graduation of difficult its a brick wall until you within 100cr of recommended then you can freely faceroll until that point your dead meat to everything

    so the actual content tiering is such a fuckover that you get tier-tied purely by design to push you to look at paying you way up and ofc the moment you are within 100cr of the next tier you are back to facerolling and getting the small cr upgrades by design to ensure your progression is stalled to snail pace

    Most of the above is the usual story for F2P and probably the reason why the majority have quit at h4 your progression becomes glacial BY DESIGN unless you buy your way out of it via crests for gems to push cr to push content

    I'm all for making a profit but the game state above is what has lost them so many players and from what they are doing at present it ain't gonna get any better imo

    Also you do know that David Brevik has now moved to Torchlight Infinite, that may be my next game tbh it is cartoony but may well be worth a look

  11. Honestly, I like the creators comments, but he still skips around the fact that Blizzard went out of thier way to F f2p players. I'm not mad at spending, I do spend. I'm just not down with being forced to spend. I have absolutely quit playing the PvP because Blizzard purposely doesn't bracket players so that the spenders put constant pressure on the f2p and low spenders. I've beat every piece of PVE content except izilich3. So why would I continue to spend just for PvP? The PvP has serious issues that Blizzard has not fixed. I still get killed by invisible bs every match. I cant walk 3 steps without a stun effect htting me. The PvP is sorry at best. I would still rather play COD or Pug G or even Street fighter over this PvP where im not constaly stunned and do quite well. The orange welfare crest they made is an exact example. Instead of allowing you to use your Lego crest how want, you are blocked by greedy bs and cant sell it, or the gem you get. Blizzard acts like the rewards come out of thier paychecks. I spent $800 on Immortal and I've stopped spending including the battle pass. Blizzard and every other game company out there, need to realize that fans decide what's hot. Not the creator's anymore. The devide from haves and have nots is more epic on this game, then any other game I've seen. All of this is made worse by the fact that f2p and lower spenders cant get on leaderboards to get help, the whales make sure they can't, because Blizzard allows it. So I feel like, the creator still skipped around major issues, and I'm not falling for it. Also, he didnt address the fact that Blizzard false advertised expensive lego gems, basically ripping off its customers. Not all right. Furthermore, I've taken the liberty of letting my family members know how this lame works, and as a result, 16 accounts are closed now. They will stay locked until everyone Blizzard ripped off on the Blessing and other gems are compensated. Just because McDonald's does it, doesn't make it acceptable. Stop false advertising and changing wording to suit you Blizzard. 😒 I will not be buying any further Blizzard products until these issues are not only talked about, but resolved. I've never been so disappointed in a game manufacturer…

  12. Why don't you just tell them that they are getting interactive content from a media machine that can no longer effectively produce the content because they are too busy controlling exactly who is going to be rich and it has little to do with producing the content. Blizzard has had their up's and down's with this issue and has even acknowledged this with World of Warcraft development itself. Anyway… it's so extremely bad right now, you've gone from a period where these groups had a considerable advantage in the industry to – they don't, and they have better competition. A midwestern kid or Alaskan kid did not grow up being taught a whole lot about breadboarding silicon, and now, more people are indoctrinated with these skills and completely hellbent on crushing you in this sector. Let alone a situation you couldn't militarily defend yourself and they think that circumstance is really a far shot, and what really this is all going to boil down to is if the victims in this fiasco start brutally honest fight with Jake Paul in the ring. When that happens people like me are going to be rich, and there isn't going to be people that will act like they don't understand logic or good points due to political views or bias.

  13. This is off topic but as a wb leader I hate the wb rooms. I wish they didn't exist.

    There are three good rooms only. Except one is for the crusader and one is move speed so it's mine and now I only have one good room to share between six players who deserve it. I try to rotate it weekly.

    On top of that, remnants are too complicated to even explain to my wb why theirs suck even though they keep getting more. They can't even see the equip screen.

    It's a terrible system. It makes all my friends think I'm playing favorites with the attack room while they also think im too stupid to put good remnants in every room.

  14. I kinda want to get back to that enjoy when the game was released idk if they are thinking on starting the story again with new adventures beacuse right now is the same thing over and over again you do your shadows daily / immortal do the raids farm some dungeons if you get lucky enough u get a good upgrade
    it's a really repetitive game and it gets kinda boring

  15. Please don't agree with any of the bs excuses from the snakes that made this game. This is NOT how games are going to become in the future. None of those points were good or smart at all. who cares about the competition in the field when you are blizzard and diablo? Does that mean now you have to monetize everything? That excuse doesn't even make sence and seeing you cover for their mistakes DM makes me want to unsubscribe from you.

  16. Another great informative video. I have a suggestion for a possible future video. I know most players come here for good info. I wonder what the max stats are for gear. If the set items have the same table or different. If this info is already available where to find it. I'm sure many players share this curiosity. Have a great one dm.

  17. The biggest mistake diablo immortal has made is naming it after the Diablo franchise and marketing it to diablo fans. If this game was made exactly the same and had a different name and no expectations of what it was supposed to be or marketed towards people that play computer games instead of mobile games it would be an amazing AAA mobile game.

  18. Was wondering if ya was gonna hit on this. Was working on it myself… An respect the man personally.
    Not worried you an veil beat me to it 😊
    Was gonna let ya use regardless 😉

  19. Correct. Industry changed from d2 to DI. Biggest change was from d3 an should have opened eyes then, in my opinion, personally.
    Now it is just copy an paste codes.
    Only thing keeping diablo alive is the fan base only!!!!! Without diablo originals, immortal would be dead. They, we, are those 25-35 with jobs an have whaled from nostalgia.


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