Creating A New Garden, FIRST STEPS: Deer Fencing and Treasure Hunting

We are finishing a deer fence and preparing our new gardens. What will we find?

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How tall does a deer fence need to be? We have heard eight feet or more, so we made a 9β€² fence. Problem: we need the deer to SEE it, so we have to add lots of flags. That’s next. We’re getting ready to plant a new grocery row garden, and maybe even make some raised beds, so stay tuned. I don’t know if this deer fence will work or not, but I hope so! We are also metal detecting our new garden space in search of buried treasure.


39 thoughts on “Creating A New Garden, FIRST STEPS: Deer Fencing and Treasure Hunting”

  1. My food forest is about 3.5acres now. Started 10 months ago. Going super hard, been implementing quite a few of your thoughts recently. Taking heaps of cuttings from fruit trees and grapes and getting ready to put them in amongst some of the spacers. Will watch u carefully develope this plot and I’m sure I will steal a few ideas.

  2. I use VCR tape around the perimeter of my garden at the top of my fencing to give the deer a visual. It flashes in the breeze, helping scare the birds off, too. The deer are reluctant to try to jump it, which is a good thing, because they would break it if they hung a hoof. But, it IS free, since I haven't watched those exercise tapes for years.

  3. Get some Christmas tree garland and weave it in and out along the fence. It's bright shiney silver color should be easier to see. You could also try Christmas lights.

  4. Yeah I have been an artist since I was 4 and are now 48.
    This video recreated that range finder feel where heads feet hands and subject matter get cut off. Or maybe that feel of being a short person at a concert and you can't see the band.

  5. My feet and ankles look like they have a bad case of teenage acne at all times from fire ant bites…why do I wear flip flops when I could have been wearing the tactical socks? My son even tried to talk sense into me by showing me his socks and work boots but it took DTG to really pound it home! "Merica!" Biscuits!! Treasure!!
    But seriously, I can't wait to see yall whip that garden into shape!

  6. Lolol I'm laughing so hard. I always wondered why people with 1.4 aperture lenses use them all the time, when it just blows out the background that I want to see πŸ˜‰

  7. Dear Mr. El Bueno,
    I would like to take this opportunity to point out the elitist phrase you enjoy using so often.
    " Green Thumb", is highly offensive to we, the many who seldom enjoy the green result of a gardening successfully enough to enjoy a harvest worthy of the Shakers.
    I am the president, CEO and owner of, The Brown Thumbs. I am here to respectfully represent the multitudes of growers whose efforts benefit critters and bugs and molds and insects and varmints to greater extents than selfishly feeding ourselves. Due to the propaganda and mis/ dis-information promoted by the " media", We, the Brown Thumbs of America, protest the 2%ers who brainwash the masses into believing in a harvest greater than an occasional meal.
    We BTs promote the more socio-communo agenda of feeding the less opposable thumbed than you greedy GTs. Our thumbs are brown from remaining in the class of equality represented by the, Digger/Planter/Seeder with no hope of harvest-ers.
    Our other many and varied and really unrelated gripes and displeasures are not coming to mind right now; but rest assured, they are there….
    Other than this, we mostly/ somewhat enjoy your work, and thank you for it. ( …WORK? ) ( oh please…) [ this guy's having too much fun]
    In closing, Best to You and Yours,
    The Brown Thumbs of America.


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