Crazy Pieces Did The Worst Thing You Could Do | AND FILMED IT!?!

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20 thoughts on “Crazy Pieces Did The Worst Thing You Could Do | AND FILMED IT!?!”

  1. This reminds me of my BIL. He’s 25 with nonverbal autism and lives in a residential home with a few other men just like him and one of his nurses broke his leg when he was upset and didn’t take him to the hospital for 1 week. Video evidence and the nurses of the other men shows he cried in pain the whole time and they gave him large doses of melatonin to help him sleep bc he wouldn’t “stop whining”
    (We normally visit 4 times a week but this week was the week my MIL died so we all waited to see him until the following weekend when we were all not pulling double shifts to help pay for the funeral and her debts)
    As a result of this he cannot walk normally 😭

  2. Does her appearance really need to play a factor in this whole thing? No. Do I like her even less because her face looks like that weird Instagram filter that makes your face and nose super wide? I sure as shit do! 😂

  3. I am in NO WAY excusing their behavior but, I know how that kid feels. When I was 10 I broke my fibia and my parents thought I was being dramatic (I remember them going through a rough patch in their marriage) and they didn't take my to the doctor for 3 days, the entire weekend 😩😭 they felt SO FREAKING BAD. Like crying to the doctor bad. For sure their biggest parenting mistake and they still feel awful about it.

  4. My daughter broke her arm and I thought for sure “it couldn’t be broken”. My gut told me to bring her in. Severe fracture 😅—— Good parents have instincts. Unfit parents are just that.

    Even if you’re unsure, if you love your children, you bring them in.

  5. What most of you do not understand is that it happened on thanksgiving and as soon as they realized how bad it was which was later in the day they called their doctor! The doctor told them to wait until the next day. The parents also gave him ice for the knee and had him sit down on the couch with his leg supported by the couch.

  6. Something you should sneak at with the labrant, and other family bloggers. It seems like they always get a puppy and within a year or 2 the dog runs away. I hate how family bloggers live in pretty much the worlds biggest house, but they get the worlds smallest dog! I don’t believe the labrants dog ran away. Or the Estrella’s dog.

  7. I mean side note, why didn’t one of the older siblings who can drive take him in to get seen? I’ve taken my siblings in on multiple occasions because my parents couldn’t be bothered waiting for hours to be seen in the emergency department. A couple of times nothing was broken but I always want to be on the safe side!! Cause I care?? Idk man something seems off with this fam

  8. sadly in the hospitals where i live is this very same way. my friends daughter fell off of her bed and hurt her arm when they called the doctor. The doctor said we can just see you tomorrow. Well after two hours of crying she went ahead and took her to the ER and they said it was just sprained. It was swollen and if it was still in pain on Monday.( happened on Thursday I believe.) to take her to the bone and joint Center to get more x-rays so she immediately took her first thing on Monday and come to find out should actually broken heart growth plate.

  9. My now grown son was always a dare devil. When he was 14 yrs old he jumped off the roof of my mother’s 2 story house. None of us adults knew he had done this. A week later he came home from school with a slight limp. I immediately asked what he did to his foot. He finally confessed and we immediately went to the ER. When explaining what happened and when, I was asked multiple times how we let it go for a week. I felt so horrible but my son knew he was going to be in major trouble for being on the roof, so he hid it from me. I still feel so bad about him walking on a broke foot for a week and it has been over 10 yrs since it happened. How can a parent, knowing your child is hurt, not immediately take them to the doctor? That poor child. Praying for a speedy recovery! 🙏


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