Crawdad Rescue


32 thoughts on “Crawdad Rescue”

  1. I live in maine, and when I find a loose fishing line, it's hard not to be angry. It's not that hard to coil the line up with your hands and put it in your tackle to be thrown away.

    Edit: Not talking about clippings, but what seems to be full spools after someone gets tangled.

  2. You don’t even have to go saving stuff all the time. Just walk around and do good for the riparian environments you show off. And for the love of god, don’t be one of those guys who fakes videos like this by tangling animals up on purpose.

  3. Yess thank you it’s one thing if your line breaks in the water but any line that you leave or even see pick it up before you go please I love fishing but you know how many dead animals and stuff I find all wound up in loose fishing line it’s a lot so please pick it up

  4. Last year on a school field trip to the river. we were looking for life and I found a 5 inch crawfish curled up stuck in glass bottle.we broke it open and he was fine apart from missing a claw

    BTW we carefully broke the glass and watched him swim into a safe place

  5. Every time I go to the lake I walk out with a pocket full of other people line, that's a shame people can't respect the places they use , please respect the places you love so they are there for years to come


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