Cow Bit Her Tongue, Tractor Hours 2022

A new one to me! Also seeing how many hours we put on the tractors this year for 2022.

#agriculture #farming #NorthDakota

Rumble Channel:

Located in south central North Dakota, expect farming and ranching videos, and a few other topics that may come up within the ag industry and politics. We grow variety crops (barley, rye, durum, wheat, oats, corn, soybeans, flaxeed) and run simmental/angus/saler mixed cattle herd. Always looking for ways to improve the operation and what I can do to improve the soil I farm.

Nothing flashy, but I continue to grow this business as being part of the 4th Generation of this farm. My name is Brooks, and I hope you can learn something and maybe I can learn something from you.


4 thoughts on “Cow Bit Her Tongue, Tractor Hours 2022”

  1. Don't recall ever seeing a cow/cattle ever bite their tongue before.

    Do you think she might have watched A Christmas Story and stuck her tongue on a metal fence post 😂?

  2. I started keeping track of yearly hours on tractors and mileage on vehicles about 5 years ago. It’s interesting to see how on some things the hours don’t vary 10 hours a year and on other things it’s all over the place.

  3. Surprisingly how many hours the TG gets when you were debating on whether to get rid of it or not a couple years ago. Nice to see the hours on your tractors on a year by year basis. The Allis is doing great with no major issues. Good maintenance and good engineering goes a long way. Nice reprieve in the weather is always appreciated…til this weekend.


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