COUNTRYBALLS: Modern History of France (full)

My online courses:

Modern History of france from French revolution and Napoleonis wars 1800s to Modern day France.

“Makai Symphony – Dragon Castle” is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-SA 3.0).
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Music: Legionnaire by Scott Buckley released under CC-BY 4.0.


27 thoughts on “COUNTRYBALLS: Modern History of France (full)”

  1. L'animation est très bien mais elle est trop centrée sur l'histoire militaire. Je pense que d'autres éléments auraient pu amener de jolis plans comme l'industrialisation de la France, l'haussmanisation de Paris, la création du Canal de Suez, le scandale de Panama, la Commune de Paris. Sous Napoléon, il y avait d'autres choses à montrer en plus de la guerre comme l'élaboration du Code Civil par exemple, etc.

  2. In english:

    As a Frenchman proud of his country, I sincerely wish to thank you for this animation summarizing the modern history of France. Know that many animators have made an animated summary of this but in my opinion you are the only one who showed the truth because you really did well in the WW2 part!

    The only small error is that it was not France which attacked the other European countries during the Napoleonic Wars but them.

    Well done and keep it up

    (thx Google translate)

    In bulgarian:

    Като французин, който се гордее със своята страна, искам искрено да ви благодаря за тази анимация, обобщаваща съвременната история на Франция. Знайте, че много аниматори са направили анимирано резюме на това, но според мен вие сте единственият, който показа истината, защото наистина се справихте добре в частта за Втората световна война!

    Единствената малка грешка е, че не Франция е нападнала другите европейски страни по време на Наполеоновите войни, а тях.

    Браво и продължавай все така

    (thx Google преводач)


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