Could USA Defend it's Homeland Against a Nuclear Missile Attack

The world is in a state of turmoil and the threat of nuclear war is always looming. How would the United States defend against a nuclear attack on the homeland? Check out today’s insane new video to find out if the US could survive an attack on American soil!


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43 thoughts on “Could USA Defend it's Homeland Against a Nuclear Missile Attack”

  1. No sense Tesla SpaceX has satellites up there in space by musk more satellites than two countries in the world has nuclear missiles and you travel at 18,000 miles an hour and it can easily pinpoint and aim and RAM into anything larger than destroy it instantaneously up in space I think we have no problems in nuclear attacks especially when they're so satellites are so close together at several different stages of heights you can easily ram the nuclear missiles with the satellites and multiple satellites at that and never run out of satellites to shoot down nuclear missiles that way right up in the safe space area in the outer space but won't affect Earth at all. And that we got all the f-35s and f-22s they can shoot nuclear bombs right out of the sky and pinpoint them real quickly and fly at credible speeds and they can pin to point them all over the United States they need a matter of 5 seconds to respond to it cuz they're already up in the air if there's already a new car fight happening that pinpoint and shoot them out as they're coming in the atmosphere before they come in the atmosphere they're that good cuz they can shoot an 18,000 mph Saturday 9,000 mph nuclear missile that doesn't travel that fast at pinpoint precision I don't think you have a problem but then we also got these ground ones that also can treat nuclear vessels out before they even enter atmosphere too and we got even more defenses than that we had so many different defenses against nuclear weapons it's unbelievable we got a capabilities shooting down 4,000 nuclear missiles an hour for 24 hours straight through if need be.

  2. What good is it to save your city from a nuclear blast when some radiological isotopes have a half life of 500,000 years and will circle the earth courtesy of the jet stream…not to mention nuclear winter and scarcity of food and potable water?

  3. Even if we don't stop all of them, where ever they came from would be covered in radiation less then 48 hours later. Subs would follow orders and retaliate with our own nukes.

  4. Yes, in a full blown nuclear war no one will destroy space based satellites. It must be some unwritten law. That would be the first place to strike. Put so much shrapnel in space that even Space X will be out of business for decades to come.

  5. It's like when America first acquired the atomic bomb… They had a nuclear monopoly, and they were untouchable.
    Until Stalin and his spies finally got caught up.

    Today the situation is different. Sanctions are crushing our opponents no matter how hard they try to hide it, and we've sat back and brought our best scientists together to reignite the monopoly by making the interceptors of tommorow, our opponents will be well aware of the US superpower once more, for good. It must be emphasized just how important these systems are needed by us.

  6. i think we know that they cant not against dozens of them at the same time no country can i would imagine cause the tech isnt there and it will be to expensive. especially when missile tech is advancing to scary levels with hypersonic missiles etc.

  7. Fact : USA is the only known major power to repeatedly use Nuclear, chemical and bioweapons during wartime.
    Fact: US Military unleashed the Flu virus bioweapon on the world during WW1, killing some 100 Mil and counting
    with USA repeatedly denying for decades.
    Fact: USA used bioweapons in Korean war and Vietnam war.
    Fact: USA used Nuclear/Atomic weapons on Japan in WW2.

  8. I agree with your conclusion that there is little hope of surviving a nuclear exchange. Even if just one megaton nuclear bomb detonates on American soil it would be devastating. I believe most of the Russian nuclear bombs are in the 20 megaton ton range. Therefore it is still crazy to even think about winning a nuclear war, because everyone on the planet would loose if we have one. The Mutually Assured Destruction or MAD is the only way to think of a nuclear exchange!

  9. Quick update for anyone who's wondering there's been some leaps and bounds with laser research and they've already started to deploy them on warships for short term defense and now they have vehicles with deployable lasers in small numbers that have had high success rates a lot of the money going towards railgun and laser defense has been reallocated towards the ngad program and drone swarming technologies like the loyal wingman the thought process is if you can get a sixth generation jet fleet in the air in 10 years that gives you plenty of time to keep working on other future technologies while the enemy tries to make up the gap


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