Could Russia Survive a Nuclear War

Could Russia survive a nuclear war against the United States and its Allies? Luckily we have data, simulations, and expert analysis to help us unpack this terrifying chain of events. Don’t miss today’s epic new video to find out if Putin’s Russia stands a chance against a nuke!


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39 thoughts on “Could Russia Survive a Nuclear War”

  1. By any measure, Russia with the largest land mass would certainly survive than USA should there be any nuclear exchange! Of course, UK and Japan would simply vaporize!

  2. There's no problem for Russia or China for that matter reaching United States with a nuclear device before we can even react because they're sitting in Cuba

  3. There are many links in a chain of command that have to remain together for a nuclear assault to be launched by a country. Many of these guys would realize their committing suicide and may be back out???

  4. If Belarus ’s nuclear threats become more frequent, the U.S. and Britain should launch a nuclear preemptive strike against Russia at once. So that not a single Russian nuclear missile can fly toward the free camp,,,,

  5. In Ukraine, Russia actually comfronts NATO with conventional mean and is winning.
    Russia is destroying the west in Ukraine and probably will prevail.
    I dont think that it needs nukes to destroy the satanic lgbd forces of west.
    Vive Putin and Russia, from Orthodox Greeks.
    And Trump president for a peacefull world.

  6. russia: we have nuk- nato we dont give a shi- Russia oh really: yeah really America: hey russia you might want to turn of your lights im sending one over right now

  7. This is unlikely. The CIA is quite literally reading Putin's emails. And they've leaked that to Russia. Putin is a marked man. If he pushes the big red button, he knows that there'll be a cruise missile coming directly for him in particular, programmed to park itself right up his chocolate star fish. If his goal is personal survival, he has a lot of preparation to do before launching nukes will be a survivable affair for him.

  8. For the love of world survival, Russia needs to stop angering the USA.. Learn from Japan's mistakes! The secret policies of the USA are far more devastating and diabolical than most people can imagine, especially for the many Russians who can't think for themselves. Any credible threat to the end of the USA means the end of the world as we know it.

  9. Nice video but thats only speculation… what do we know about their nuclear warheads maintenance? They cant even feed their soldiers

  10. I've seen nuclear-proof bomb shelters down in Manhattan. This speaker should think more seriously before having to speak of this type of things, if not being from an American idiot series. Neptune-type of heads expose weaknesses. That's clear

  11. Can Russian survive a nuclear war? She can't even survive a conventional war as in her existing conditions. One wrong move, she will fall like the former Soviet Union.

  12. Not a good day to be from Norway if this would happen'd, imagine the nuclear clouds fall down if they start shooting at each other😪
    Let's hope they are smart and stay away from Nukes, will just destroy the whole earth either way 🙄

  13. 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 e facil asim ne kkk primeiro a Europa ia para o inferno primeiro e mais pequena que a Rússia depois os Estados Unidos ia para o inferno uma boa parte e a Rússia também e voces e trouxa ne voces acha mesmo que armas nucleares tem controle não ne a Coreia do Norte ia ataca Coreia do Sul com armas nucleares eles sabe que e os próximo a china vai ataca os satélite e os Estados Unidos india como e perto da Rússia não vai aceita os Estados Unidos ataca a Rússia provavelmente vai ataca algum país vai e morre todos 😅😅😅😅 seria uma boa morre todos livraria o mundo detas desgraça que e ser humanos

  14. You should say did the USA survive a nuclear war you will be fry too. You can't even win in Afghanistan. Your days are short. You loosing now in Ukraine.


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